- secrecy
- integrity
- verifiability (persuading those who doubt)
- availability

- turnout: but no evidence it helps
Turnout depends on people caring about the vote (eg Scottish independence, high turnout) #kawaiicon

(If that’s happening, wouldn’t the same attackers target online voting too?)
Cost saving?
But online voting is expensive to run #kawaiicon
Seems pretty unlikely we'll lose the ability to send physical things across distances... #kawaiicon

Certificate not controlled by their election authority.
Interesting mix of domains on the same certificate.
Users identifiable with a years-long persistent cookie

But use of cookies on the TLS proxy broke this separation

But that reputation changed - we know they were breached!
NZ census also used inCapsula for the census

Online voting systems are being built in ways that make basic mistakes, and repeat those mistakes year after year.
(The same principles apply to postal voting too)