Fruehauf: 1.6 acres at 1665 33rd St. Sister project to 311 Mapleton.
Gary Berg, from The Academy (who will operate the senior housing/care facility project) is taking this one.
Berg: I'm new to this, but I understand there's a document we signed committing us to follow your affordable housing guidelines.
Three units count as one, per city code, apparently.
Carr: Yes. We have a signed covenant.
A traffic consultant I think named Chris, taking this one.
40 entrances / 41 exits during a.m. rush
51 entrances / 34 exits during p.m. rush
(I missed what it was; I'm not sure if ppl are talking faster tonight or I'm just thinking slower.)
Architect from Coburn is fielding this one: Trying to accommodate employees, residents, ppl coming to the restaurant that will be on-site (which has parking at normal rates).
Those spots will double as visitor parking, bc a lot of ppl coming to eat there will be visiting someone.
Berg: There will, but it will be way less than owning your own car.
Young: Folks living here will be 60% AMI or less, right?
Architect: E-car shares are not an income stream; fees just cover costs.
Berg: That's why this is the project to try this with, bc we're going to offer a high-quality product for an affordable price, and they have to make a sacrifice.
(Also, this is really close to transit.)
Young: And if they get caught owning a car?
Berg: I would say they get a warning and then we get to kick them out.
25.8 units = 311 Mapleton IH units
50 units are bonus affordable; no city funds requested to subsidize
33 trees on-site, 11 species
8 are poor or very poor; should be removed, including three ash trees at risk of EAB
Not sure how they'll do that.
"I really do think it's the folks that are working who are the biggest exposure."
(I'm sorry I missed his name earlier. Ears not working properly.)