Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #worldcancerday

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Part 2 of my series on men's health focuses on #cancer. 1 in 2 men will get cancer in the US. Prostate, lung and colon cancer are most common. @MSignorile & @benryanwriter generously shared their stories with me. Please read/RT/
Mike Signorile told me when he was diagnosed with prostate #cancer, he knew he had to speak out about it to help alert and demystify the process of dxd & treatment. He speaks to all of that here.
Ben Ryan talks about the emotional toll #cancer takes even as the treatment ravages you. Both Mike and Ben talked about the problems inherent in the US healthcare system and that was WITH them both having incomes and health insurance.
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I’ve shared before that my mother died when I was 19. She was only 47 and had acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), a blood cancer. I found out after she died that clinical trials for AML treatments enroll very few Black patients.
Diversity in clinical trials is the difference between life and death. That’s why I’m excited to be partnering with @CancerSupportHQ once again.
@CancerSupportHQ’s free Peer Clinical Trials Support Program matches Black or African American cancer patients or individuals at a higher risk for a cancer diagnosis with a trained peer — a Black cancer patient or survivor with experience participating in a cancer clinical trial.
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Hey all, I don't often post non-@BonJovi / @JonBonJovi / @TheRealSambora / @dbdavidbryan things on here, but today is #WorldCancerDay so I'm making an exception.

Bit of an essay of linked tweets coming up, so grab a drink! /1
If you don't know who is behind By Jovi, it has been MelissaByJovi (original, right?) for most of the time since 1997. Shout-out to Miriam who started the group in 1996. Yes, I know Facebook/Twitter wasn't around then. By Jovi was started as an email group. :) /2
Some of you might remember a (fan) moderator called MelissaByJovi on the BWJBJ fan club message board and chat room back when Mrs B was in charge and @robfuz was around, and for a time when @TheMattBongiovi took over too. That was also me. /3
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Oggi è la giornata mondiale contro il cancro. Perché investire nella ricerca? La nostra comprensione del cancro ha fatto passi da gigante. Ecco alcune novità ma anche tante difficoltà. Un thread. #WorldCancerDay 🎗️
1) Terapia cellulare con CAR-T: ingegnerizzare i linfociti T, i “soldati” del nostro sistema immunitario, ed addestrarli in modo tale da riconoscere e distruggere le cellule tumorali. Vengono estratti dal campione di sangue del paziente, modificati geneticamente e re-infusi.
Vaccini terapeutici: utilizzando un componente (una proteina) specifico verso il tumore di un paziente si può sviluppare una risposta immunitaria capace di aggredire il tumore stesso, esattamente come accade contro un agente patogeno.
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Il 4 febbraio 2023 si celebra la XXIII edizione della Giornata mondiale contro il cancro, promossa dalla UICC e sostenuta dall’OMS. È un importante richiamo a riflettere su cosa Istituzioni e individui possono fare insieme per combattere il cancro.
"Close the Care Gap - Everyone deserves access to cancer care" è il tema della campagna 2022-2024: lo slogan richiama l’attenzione sull’importanza della comprensione e del riconoscimento delle disuguaglianze nella cura del cancro in tutto il mondo.
Si stima che nel 2020 nel mondo siano decedute per cancro 10 milioni di persone.
“I numeri del cancro in Italia 2022” stima che in Italia nel 2022 siano 390.700 le nuove diagnosi di tutti i tumori (205.000 negli uomini e 185.700 nelle donne). Erano 376.600 nel 2020.
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Hoy, Día Mundial contra el Cáncer (#WorldCancerDay), como cada día, los equipos del CSIC trabajan en investigaciones básicas que buscan obtener nuevas vías de prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento para atajar este conjunto de enfermedades.
Citamos algunas🧵 #CienciaParaLaSociedad
Un equipo diseña un caballo de Troya contra el cáncer: células editadas genéticamente (CAR-T) y ocultas en biocápsulas para atacar tumores sólidos desde dentro. Invadirían la zona cancerosa y acabarían con las células malignas desde su interior. ➡️
Investigadoras del @ITEFI_CSIC prueban una terapia ultrasónica contra el cáncer de páncreas.
Han conseguido inhibir la migración de células cancerosas in vitro con radiación de baja intensidad, que permite atacar el tumor sin destruir las células sanas➡️
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“Women are under such pressure to look a certain way that they must undergo this pain after a traumatic surgery. That’s why I decided to make crocheted or knitted prostheses," says⁠
Jayashree Ratan.⁠

#HeroesOfHumanity #WorldCancerDay #Kindness #WomenForWomen #Healthcare Image
Jayashree Ratan creates crocheted #prostheses for #breastcancer survivors.⁠

Made from 100 per cent mercerised cotton yarn, these prostheses are soft on the skin and do not cause allergies.
While each can be used for nearly two years, these washable hands fit well into the mastectomy bra.⁠

“We never knew we would touch so many lives by spending just a few hours on each product. That is our biggest reward,” says Jayashree.⁠
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Dr Soumya Swaminathan, the chief scientist at WHO, told The Indian Express that Cervavac is good news.

#WorldCancerDay #cancerawareness #HPV #Vaccine #CervicalCancer #HealthAwareness Image
“It will be great to see this vaccine being rolled out in the national HPV vaccination strategies in India and globally. We have a real opportunity to eliminate cervical cancer, which causes a lot of death and suffering worldwide among women.” Image
Disclaimer: The resources and content on this site may not be complete, accurate to current research and pertain to your personal health needs. Please consult a doctor before any taking any decision. Image
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This #WorldCancerDay, we celebrate the pathbreaking and unending efforts of some heroes who have dedicated their lives to helping those battling the deadly #cancer.

A salute to their undaunted spirit!

#HeroesOfHumanity #CancerWarriors #Respect #TheBetterIndia Image
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Today is #WorldCancerDay

Few diseases reflect global inequities as starkly as #BreastCancer and #CervicalCancer.

Nearly 8⃣0⃣% of deaths from breast and cervical cancer occur in low- and middle-income countries.

#CloseTheCareGap in #cancer ⬇️
On #WorldCancerDay, here are some ways to reduce ↘️ your #cancer risk:

🚭 Don't use tobacco
🏊‍♂️ Exercise regularly
🍅 Eat healthy foods
☀️ Avoid strong sunlight for prolonged periods
🥃 Drink less alcohol

📌 Icons illustrating the text below.   Reduce your risk of can
Today is #WorldCancerDay

These are the 5⃣ most common types of #cancer:
🔸 breast
🔸 lung
🔸 colorectal
🔸 stomach
🔸 prostate

📌 Icons depicting the most common cancers types: - Breast - Lu
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I made a list of top 10 Cancers that are killing humans worldwide.
Worthy of note are the Cancers killing Nigerians

I added how you can reduce your chance of these Cancers.
Please check this thread and Retweet
Breast cancer

-Self breast examination
Exclusive breastfeeding
-Reducing the use of Oral contraceptives
- Reducing your exposure to Radiation
Reduce your Alcohol
-If you're Obese try and lose weight
- Stop smoking
-Healthy diet
-Know if Breast Cancer runs in your family
Lung cancer

- stop smoking
- Avoid staying around smokers (Passive smoking)
-Try and avoid unnecessary exposure to radiation
- If possible live somewhere where there is reduced air pollutants ( my worry about Port Harcourt people)
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Today is #WorldCancerDay and I encourage all, but especially women, to please go to your doctor for regular check ups, listen to your body, and demand cancer marker tests be done. Ovarian, cervical, and breast cancers can and are treatable if caught early.
There is nothing as arduous as the battle with cancer. Even though I have been in remission for 3 years now, my body is still not back to its regular self and every 6 months I have to wait and see if it's happened to come back or not. #WorldCancerDay
I want us to be honest about it. I hated the faux positivity I felt I had to perform as a cancer patient and I had the performative empathy people gave me. On this #WorldCancerDay, the best thing you can do for a cancer patient is just fight alongside them, not pity them.
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Today is #WorldCancerDay.

#Cancer is one of the world’s leading causes of death - accounting for nearly 10 million deaths in 2020, or nearly one in six deaths - despite the fact that all cancers can be treated and many can be prevented or cured.

The most common cancers are breast, lung, colorectal and prostate cancers

#cancer #WorldCancerDay Image
Around 1 in 3 deaths from #cancer are due to tobacco use, high body mass index, alcohol consumption, low fruit and vegetable intake and lack of physical activity

#WorldCancerDay Image
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🔴🎥Watch LIVE as WHO/Europe holds a virtual press briefing on COVID-19 with @hans_kluge and technical experts, including a message from @aronanderson ahead of #WorldCancerDay…
The European Region has recorded 12 million new cases in the past week. This is the highest weekly case incidence since the start of the pandemic and is largely being driven by the highly transmissible Omicron variant, as it sweeps from West to East @hans_kluge
30% of all COVID-19 cases since the pandemic began have been reported this year alone.

We now have nearly 150 million reported cases of #COVID19 in Europe and Central Asia to date.

22% of all tests recorded are positive @hans_kluge
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Cancer is a personal story for all of us.

This is why we are working on prevention, early diagnosis, and equal access to care.

Ahead of #WorldCancerDay and a year since the #EUCancerPlan, we are launching 4️new actions with specific objectives.
Here they are: ⬇️ Image
Objective 1 ➞ Everyone in our 🇪🇺 Union should get the cancer treatment they need.

Our Cancer Inequalities Registry will help identify and tackle inequalities in cancer prevention and care due to gender, educational attainment and disparities between regions.

#EUCancerPlan Image
Objective 2 ➞ Ensuring 90% of the EU population who qualify for breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screenings are offered it by 2025.

Finding cancer at an early stage can save lives. This is why a cancer screening call for evidence is important.

#EUCancerPlan Image
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#OnThisDay in 1915, American physicist Robert Hofstadter was born!
Hofstadter was awarded half of the 1961 @NobelPrize in Physics for his contributions towards our understanding of electron scattering as well as the structure of protons and neutrons. #TIL #WorldCancerDay
He is also known for his accurate prediction of two types of meson, which are subatomic particles consisting of one quark and one antiquark: the omega-meson and the rho-meson.
Hofstadter contributed to the development of nuclear medicine, specifically the use of gamma-ray spectroscopy techniques such as positron emission tomography. These medical imaging techniques are used for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer as well as neurological conditions.
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Our #WCD2021 event on #COVID19's impact on global cancer services starts in 10 mins!
Join @rafaelmgrossi, @IAEANA's M.Abdel-Wahab, @iaeapact's @LisaSglobal, @gjmdhoop, @XavierSticker, @AzzeddineFarha1 & 🇮🇩's S.Gondhowiardjo.
📺 Image
“This event is an opportunity to be reminded of where we are — we don’t stop for a single minute, and when it comes to cancer we can’t stop,” says @rafaelmgrossi, emphasizing the IAEA has been extremely active in supporting its Member States during the pandemic. #WorldCancerDay
#Radiotherapy has been an optimal treatment option during the #COVID19 pandemic for cancer patients b/c it doesn't compete for in-demand hospital resources such as intensive care unit beds & is amenable to treatments w/ shorter regimens of radiation.” — @IAEANA's May Abdel-Wahab
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It's #WorldCancerDay so, let's talk about some of the utter nonsense that's promoted as cancer cure #quackery. Spoiler: none of them cure any kind of cancer. They might give you other health conditions to deal with, though.
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MMS (sodium chlorite solution) & CD (chlorine dioxide). MMS is sold as "water purification drops" & it does do that. It's also touted as a cure for literally everything, inc. cancer. It doesn't cure anything. It does cause gastrointestinal distress.
Homeopathy: substances so extremely diluted in water or ethanol that no traces of the original molecule remain. In quite a few cases, that's a good thing--because the stuff in question is pretty nasty. Anyway, at best it's just sugar.

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1. Today is #WorldCancerDay our analysis led by @dr_mosama & @hvanspall… with @AnaBaracCardio @islamelgendy83 @DLBHATTMD @adnanalkhouli @safinmc @dataevan studies disparities in care & outcomes of cancer pts presenting with STEMI @DrMarthaGulati @ShrillaB
2. #WorldCancerDay It builds on our work published last year led by @adityadoc1 showing pts with cancer less likely to be managed invasively, and when they are have better outcomes.… @MKIttlesonMD @ovidiogarciav @DrPeterOKane @SukhNijjer @CardioIAN
3. #WorldCancerDay The greatest incidence of AMI in cancer pts is within 30d of Ca diagnosis, many treatments can ⬆️risk aswell as shared risk factors. We sought to study whether STEMI pts with cancer are less likley to get PPCI & whether they benefit…
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Today is #WorldCancerDay

Here are some ways to ↘️ your #cancer risk:
🚭 Don't use tobacco
🏊‍♂️ Exercise regularly
🍅 Eat healthy foods
☀️ Avoid strong sunlight for prolonged periods
🥃 Drink less alcohol

Let's beat cancer!

It's #WorldCancerDay

#Cancer is on the rise ↗️ !
Almost 20 million people were diagnosed with cancer in 2020. Currently, 1⃣ in 5⃣ people worldwide 🌎🌍🌏 develop cancer during their lifetime.

The most commonly occurring #cancer types worldwide 🌎🌍🌏 are:
🔸 Breast cancer: 12%
🔸 Lung cancer: 11%
🔸 Colorectal cancer: 10%
🔸 Prostate cancer: 7%


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It’s #WorldCancerDay which is something I never thought I’d care about. But then I was diagnosed w bone marrow cancer aka Multiple Myeloma this past summer. I was 38, had a 4 month old. Didn’t feel sick at all but I knew something was wrong. Here’s some stuff I want you to know:
The first doctor I went to told me nothing was wrong and that I needed to lose weight. My second opinion doctor is the reason we discovered that my bone marrow was full of cancer. Always be the expert in your body. Advocate for yourself. Because these doctors are just people.
Then, the first oncologist I saw was a mess and sexist and AGAIN, I had to get a second opinion to get to the bottom of what was going on, even though he was “an expert.” I finally got an appt with a sought-after specialist who barely squeezed me in, and that changed everything.
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We believe cancer can be beaten with sufficient doses of love & support. So all day today, the #HumansOfOando are sending out love pills to all cancer patients & survivors. Share to encourage anyone you know with cancer. #WorldCancerDay #YouAreAndYouwill #OandoCares #IAmAndIWill Image
We believe cancer can be beaten with sufficient doses of love & support. So all day today, the #HumansOfOando are sending out love pills to all cancer patients & survivors. Share to encourage anyone you know with cancer. #WorldCancerDay #YouAreAndYouwill #OandoCares #IAmAndIWill Image
We believe cancer can be beaten with sufficient doses of love & support. So all day today, the #HumansOfOando are sending out love pills to all cancer patients & survivors. Share to encourage anyone you know with cancer. #WorldCancerDay #YouAreAndYouwill #OandoCares #IAmAndIWill Image
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Hoy es el #WorldCancerDay. ¿Cuál es el cáncer más frecuente? ¿Es lo mismo para ambos sexos? ¿En todo el mundo es igual? ⏬Hilo⏬ Image
Los países desarrollados suelen tener más incidencia (casos nuevos al año) de cáncer. Argentina se encuentra entre los países con alta incidencia, aunque sin alcanzar la de Estados Unidos, Canadá, Australia y europeos. Image
En los países desarrollados predominan los cánceres asociados a factores de riesgo no contagiosos como la obesidad. Image
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On World Cancer Day, our hearts go out to all those who have struggled because of cancer, those who have survived, and those who have passed away #WorldCancerDay
We also want to raise awareness about patients who have been wrongly refused cancer treatment under current #NHS charging rules. #Cancer treatment should always be provided under the safeguards, but the rules are so complicated that hospitals are struggling to implement them
Kelemua Mulat, whose treatment for cancer was suspended for 6 weeks because she couldn’t pay thousands of pounds upfront. She passed at 39 years old.…
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