New Thread…
Buckle Up!
Never-mind that Mueller had a team looking at this for 2 years, Maxine will save the day!
Maxine Waters is going to get to the bottom of this ‘Russia Collusion’! 🙃

Fusion GPS is known to work FOR Russians (Prevezon), Venezuelans (Derwick Associates), and... others.
One of their shareholders, Matthias Kroll, was indicted in 2018 for a $1.2B money laundering scheme.…
One meeting was at a Miami “Air Cargo” company office that has changed names x4.……

It is micro-scale when compared to Derwick, **but you have to wonder how many are out there.**…

* Opened *millions* of fake accounts in all 50 states
* Enrolled customers in 3rd Party renters & life insurance policies
* Incorrectly charged fees
That smells like sophisticated money laundering!…
As a reminder, this was a pre-election scandal. (…)
@wesleyfelixpsi claims WF colluded with ATF on a “Fast & Furious” type scandal on his family gun store in LV.
We have more on this for a later date, but for now, see below.
And, of course, the hijacking of a Wells Fargo account!
After confronting a man, suspected to be a govt ‘plant’, improperly accessing/handling firearms in his store... Las Vegas police arrested & imprisoned Edward Mark Felix (owner)
The other man, mind you, had previous felony convictions and should have never been near firearms.
They believe it was a set-up - I agree. Mark felt he was defending his store.
Julie was just acting as an employee - if the store was transferred, it wouldn’t have come from Mark!

Instead of Miami, this trust is in TX... and it was established by a (then) Wells Fargo
I wont doxx them (today).
Don’t piss down our backs and tell us it’s raining!
Why do the Feds avoid Wells Fargo & Fast & Furious corruption like the plague?
Kinda like THIS sophisticated money laundering!…
In terms of NSS - they have heard nothing!
So expect *A LOT* more evidence (Wells Fargo & National Survival Store) to be made public over the coming weeks.
Spoiler Alert: The same ATF Agents did the same thing to other stores!
Media: Reach out to me or @wesleyfelixpsi with any questions.
Looks like $TWTR throttle-monster in full-effect!
🏆 50 impressions per RT 🏆
cc: @realDonaldTrump @HawleyMO @DevinNunes
