@CordaidAF @NYUCGA @giwps @sarahWPS @AWNKabul @KarenPierceUN, @UKUN_NewYork @NATO1325 @WhitfieldTeresa ipin.st/5Cly30pN6QD
- @sarahWPS
The peace process in place for the last year has moved forward, but the international community is eager to see peace in #Afghanistan & has begun to make concessions on #WomensRights.
We want a sustainable peace if #Afghanistan; the role of women is extremely important to this.
It is the women of 🇦🇫 who are putting important issues on the table, such as human rights, constitution, and the need for an immediate ceasefire
It's a difficult argument to make to the Taliban, but we have to make it.
1️⃣It is fundamental for people outside the conflict to provide research, analysis, & connect with internal parties
2️⃣Willingness + openness to be creative are necessary
- Storai Tapesh, Deputy Executive Director, Afghan Women’s Network (@AWNKabul)
#WomenInstitutePeace #WPS
When we sacrifice the long term goal for short term expediency, we end up regretting that quickly and find ourselves back at the table negotiating peace again.
One issue is the potential for fragmentation among the Taliban and questions about its cohesiveness, between fighters on the ground and leaders negotiating in Doha. How do we address spoilers?
But the Q that remains is whether it possible to have a process that looks towards a "new" Afghanistan.
At the end of the day we have to live with this peace agreement, let's not forget the human side of it.
#WomenPeaceSecurity #WPSin2020
We have to consider both parties: youth in the Taliban and youth in civil society. Youth is crucially important.