🧵 Crash course thread on sales 👇🏼
Switch the dynamic from
Me vs Them to US
If they show up, get on a call, etc they already want the offer.
You don’t need to sell anything
All you have to do is not screw up
🧔🏻 “What made you want to get on this call today?”
^ This question gets them hyping you up and they tell you what they’re looking for
^ They will tell you EXACTLY what they want to hear.
They’re on the call because they want you to say these things to them
Remember what they say and say it later right back to them
^ This will give you data on what does not work for them
You now know what not to say
1) Take Control - No this does not mean be rude. But talk with purpose and enthusiasm. Make them feel your conviction and that you know what you’re doing
2) Collect Data - Ask the questions. This also gets them invested into the interaction
4) Pitch - you don’t even need to sell here simply repeat back all the data you collected
5) CLOSE - Make the offer NOW, while their emotions are spiked and trust is fresh
Start with their history, their track record, how great they are
blah blah blah me me me
You’ll put them to sleep. They want to feel YOU understand THEM
They know you have a solution that’s why they’re on the call
Relationship = RELATE
Understanding them is as simple as collecting data and saying back to them exactly what they want to hear
Salesman is me vs them vibe
Switch the dynamic to you being the assisted buyer
View it as they’ve already decided they like it. You don’t have to hard sell