-- 3 years of generalized arthralgia
-- intermittent joint swelling
-- 40 lbs weight loss
@CPSolvers @DxRxEdu #medtwitter #MedEd

-- synovitis of the 2nd and 3rd MCPs
-- diffuse joint tenderness
-- lymphadenopathy
-- pyorrhea alveolaris* of the few remaining teeth.
What do you want to do next? What's your #DDX?
Remember: Sir William Osler died in 1919, so it's all you...

But does it explain the rest?
Whipple's disease
RA (aka "asthenic gout" @AliDuarteMD)
Lead poisoning
Need some ID help @TxID_Edu
Uric acid 3.2 (wnl)
Non-protein nitrogen 28 (wnl)
Glucose 85 (wnl)
WBC 2680 (PMN 26%)
RBC 3.75
Platelets 330
UA normal
Wassermann reaction negative
BCx negative
46M with a history of #malaria presents with weight loss, #lymphadenopathy, #polyarthritis (likely erosive), and periodontal disease. It is 1923 on the @OslerResidency service. Labs are limited, but you identify #anemia and #leukopenia. BCx are negative.
"Chronic lymphadenitis"
Tissue cultures are negative.
You re-examine the patient and note that the spleen is palpable at the umbilicus, 6 cm below the costal margin.

You are Augustus Roi Felty and you just saw your first case of what will become #Felty's disease.

Common features are #anemia, #thrombocytopenia, #lymphadenopathy, and extra-articular manifestations of #RA (rheumatoid vasculitis/ leg ulcers, pericarditis, pleuritis, scleritis).

1. Anti-CCP and RF (Felty's patient are seropositive)
2. Peripheral smear (looking for large granular lymphocytes, #LGL)
3. Flow and clonality assessment to exclude LGL leukemia

Great job everyone!
Special thanks to @AliDuarteMD @pekor002 @TxID_Edu @DxRxEdu