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Une journée sanglante
◾10 palestiniens assassinés et 102 blessés par des soldats israéliens à Naplouse au nord de la Cisjordanie occupée ce 22 fév 2023

◾L'armée israélienne a assassiné 10 palestiniens 🇵🇸de 14 à 72 ans, dont 2 vieillards de 61 et 72 ans…
◾et 2 enfants <16 ans, et en a blessé 102 dont 4 très graves.

◾Un vrai génocide devant le silence complice de ce monde officiel !
Les crimes israéliens se poursuivent jour après jour
Tous les jours des morts et des blessés palestiniens par des soldats et colons israéliens.
◾Quotidien infernal en Palestine 🇵🇸 sous occupation israélienne 🇮🇱.

Depuis le début de l'année 2023, presque 61 palestiniens ont été assassinés par des soldats et des colons israéliens en Cisjordanie occupée, parmi eux 13 enfants, une femme, 2 personnes âgées et 1 prisonnier.
Read 6 tweets
16 Palestinian children were murdered by apartheid Israel during the brutal 3 day bombardment of besieged Gaza. All of these children previously survived at least 1 war, some of those killed had survived 5 since 2008.

TAKE ACTION now to #DistmantleApartheid.
Alaa Abdullah Qaddoum, aged 5
Momen Muhammed ِAhmed al-Nairab, 5
Hazem Muhammed Ali Salem, 9
Ahmed Muhammed al-Nairab, 11
Ahmed Walid Ahmed al-Farram 16
Muhammed Iyad Muhammed Hassouna, 14
Fatma Aaed Abdulfattah Ubaid, 15
Ahmed Yasser Nimr al-Nabahin, 9

Muhammed Yasser Nimr al-Nabahin, 12
Dalia Yasser Nimr al-Nabahin, 13
Muhammed Salah Nijm, 16
Hamed Haidar Hamed Nijm, 16
Jamil Nijm Jamil Nijm, 4
Jamil Ihab Nijm, 13
Nazmi Fayez Abdulhadi Abukarsh, 16
Hanin Walid Muhammed Abuqaida, 10

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THREAD: Actions you can take part in for Gaza this week.

Mask up & show up in solidarity with Palestinian people in Gaza.

Check out this thread to find an action near you & for ways to plug in online ⬇️

#AllOutForGaza All out for Gaza: Swipe for actions you can take part in thi

Tuesday, August 9th
4:30 PM
Michigan Ave & Ida B Wells Dr

#GazaUnderAttack Emergency Protest in Chicago, IL at Michigan Ave and Ida B W

Monday, August 8th
8:30 PM
1900 18th St NW @MPPDC

#GazaUnderAttack Community Vigil + Healing Space at the Museum of Palestinian
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The UNSC session on the recent three day Gaza war has now started. Egypt, Jordan and a representative of Palestine are attending as observers. UN Envoy Tor Wennesland @twennesland is now briefing.
Israel is representing itself in the meeting. Earlier the Israel's UN Ambassador @IsraelinUN held a standup meeting addressing media. He did not take questions. He said he would take media questions after today's session.
Read 21 tweets
#Peace #NoWar
“Eravamo seduti a casa, non sapevamo niente. Non abbiamo sentito nient'altro che il suono del missile”: le famiglie di #Gaza perdono le case; 6 bambini uccisi. ⬇1/18

#Palestine #GazaUnderAttack #BREAKINGDAWN #IsraeliTerrorism #7agosto…
"Ci risiamo:
“Apri un po' la finestra, in modo che il vetro non si rompa quando una bomba entra in un luogo chiuso. Non dormire vicino ai muri e lontano dalla porta. Tieni un hijab accanto a te nel caso tu debba fuggire in qualsiasi momento, correndo per salvarti la vita.” ⬇2
“Piccole regole che ho ereditato da mia madre da trasmettere ai miei figli nel caso ne avessero mai avuto bisogno”.
Questo è ciò che la madre di Samah Abu Ishhaiba le ha insegnato, quello da fare quando vede gli aerei israeliani nei cieli di #Gaza sopra loro. ⬇3
Read 18 tweets
As the Israeli attack escalates on the ground, we can see more content censorship, which is basically documenting the war crimes in Gaza. Therefore, I'm posting this thread to remind the social media companies of their measures during the Russia-Ukraine war. 1/5
Based on the Ukrainians' right to self-defense, they were allowed to spread hate speech against the Russian political leaders, military, and president.
In our case, We've seen some taken down content only taking about the killed children of Gaza! 2/5
Russian media was labeled as state-owned media & weren't allowed to run ads on SM platforms. Palestinians didn't hear anything in this regard, but rather, we saw the Israeli forces sharing a video justifying carrying out air strikes on densely populated civilian locations. 3/5
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The Palestinian Ministry of Health says the number of Palestinians killed by the Israeli aggression on Gaza has climbed to 24, while 203 Palestinians have been wounded.

Two Palestinian brothers, 11-year-old Ahmed Al-Nairab and 5-year-old Momen Al-Nairab were amongst those killed in an Israeli airstrike on Northern Gaza this evening.
Israeli forces killed 11 Palestinians last night including 5-year-old Alaa Abdullah Riyad Qaddoum in an airstrike in the Shuja'iyya neighborhood of Gaza City. Alaa's father and six-year-old brother were injured in the same attack.
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THREAD: Here’s what journalists need to know when covering Israel’s latest attack on #Gaza:
1) Palestinians in Gaza live under a brutal, illegal, 15-year-long siege, where Israel has limited Palestinians’ access to electricity, clean drinking water, and life-saving medical treatment.
2) Israel has one of the most powerful militaries in the world and is attacking a largely defenseless, entrapped civilian population in one of the most densely populated places in the world.
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As always, this gonna be info. war! Israel gonna attack the ICT infrastructure & the mainstream media won't cover the attack fairly. Therefore, I'm posting some tips below.
Make sure to amplify the Gaza People's voices & their documentation of the war crimes. 1/3
While writing about Gaza, keep in mind that Gaza has been under illegal siege for 15 yrs/ now. Thus, use the right terms, think about the power relations, and clarify who is the colonizer (Israel) & the colonized (Palestinians)! 2/3
Make sure to interact with the Palestinian-related content and follow Palestinian activists & organizations. Invite UR friends to follow Palestinian & progressive news organizations such as @theIMEU @EyeonPalestine @Mondoweiss and others 3/3
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BREAKING: Israeli forces killed 5-year-old Alaa Abdullah Riyad Qaddoum today in an airstrike in the Shuja'iyya neighborhood of Gaza City. Alaa's father and six-year-old brother were injured in the same attack. #GazaUnderAttack
Alaa Abdullah Riyad Qaddoum, 5, was killed around 4:30 pm on August 5 by an Israeli airstrike in Gaza City. The Israeli airstrike hit a group of people outside Abu Samra mosque in the Wadi Al-Arayes area of Shuja’iyya neighborhood. #GazaUnderAttack…
“Israeli forces routinely use explosive weapons in densely populated civilian areas with complete disregard for the indiscriminate effects,” said Ayed Abu Eqtaish, accountability program director at DCIP.…
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Israel is bombing Gaza again. Gaza has been held under illegal siege for fifteen years - creating inhuman conditions for the inhabitants, more than half of whom are children. (1/4)
In what an Israeli official once grotesquely described as “mowing the lawn” it subjects Gaza to periodic systematic campaigns of bombardment - the last, most savage, took place in May 2021 when, over 11 days, Israel killed 260 Palestinians, more than 60 of them children. (2/4)
Today Israel began a renewed bombing campaign which so far has killed 8 Palestinians. Despite this barbaric record of violations of international law, the UK not only imposes no sanctions on Israel, but regularly approves military technology and arms exports to Israel (3/4)
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#Peace #NoWar
Ministero della Sanità palestinese: 8 morti, tra cui una bambina di 5 anni negli attacchi israeliani a #Gaza. ⬇1/8

#GazaUnderAttack #IsraeliTerrorism #IsraeliOccupation #ApartheidIsrael #HumanRights #SanctionIsrael #BREAKINGDAWN #5agosto…
"Almeno 8 persone sono state uccise, tra cui una bambina di 5 anni, e 44 sono state ferite oggi dagli attacchi aerei israeliani sulla Striscia di #Gaza, ha riferito il ministero della Salute palestinese. ⬇2
Le forze di difesa israeliane hanno affermato che 10 membri della Jihad islamica sono stati uccisi in un attacco aereo sulla Striscia di #Gaza mentre si preparavano ad effettuare attacchi contro obiettivi israeliani usando missili anticarro e proiettili di precisione. ⬇3
Read 9 tweets
8 Islamic jihad terrorists eliminated in the #Gaza strip.
2 were on the way to carry a terrorist attack on the Gaza fence.
#PIJ Palestinian Islamic Jihad has been preparing to carry terrorist attacks and making threats. The @IDF carried targeted strikes against the terrorists who ordered this escalation.
The Average #Gazan is being used as a human shield for building terror infrastructure & terrorism
The @IDF conducted a targeted neutralization strike against a senior commander of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist group in Gaza. Tayseer Jabari.
Read 12 tweets
Israel bombed Gaza again earlier today. There are more than 20 wounded already reported and at least 5 casualties including one child.

This video shows the aftermath of the attack on a residential area — Al-Rimal.

#GazaUnderAttack #EndTheOccupation

Read 7 tweets
Gaza dibom lagi. Sekitar 3 jam yang lepas Tentera Udara Israel melancarkan serangan udara yang dahsyat ke atas Gaza. Serangan ini dilakukan susulan perarakan peringatan pembakaran Al-Aqsa yang dilakukan oleh penduduk Gaza ke kawasan sempadan. #GazaUnderAttack ImageImageImage
Suasana pengeboman (1). #GazaUnderAttack
Suasana pengeboman (2). #GazaUnderAttack
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For a the 5th time since they declared a unilateral ceasefire in the 11 day war in May in Gaza, Israel once again bombed Gaza.

@naftalibennett and @yairlapid continuie to squeeze Gaza in a manner which appears designed to prolong this appalling conflict.

The new leaders of Israel appear to be determined to continue the war crimes of their Likud predecessors.

It is time for those who believe in a peaceful solution to this multi-generational conflict to once again speak out against this obscenity.
Hamas has indicated a willingness to pursue a peaceful solution. Israel has not. Both sides need international community and media engagement to build towards a resumption of negotiations.
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The Zionist regime demolished a school built in Dahiyat Al-Salam, northeast of Jerusalem.

Source: Quds News Network

Don’t stop spread awareness!😔

They just not destroy Palestinians children’s childhood, they also close the chance for the kids to have education 😢

Source: Al-Qastal Twitter
I don't #loveisrael forever
#israeloftheday koyak ImageImageImageImage
The training atmosphere of the new Izzudin Al Qassam Brigades Phase three at the Palestinian Liberation Front Front Vanguard Training Camp

Palestinians children and teenagers are truly different from others. They have strong heart and undefeatable spirit 🔥
#FreePalestine ImageImageImageImage
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There are some seriously silly statements in this @WashingtonPost, but its still an interesting round-up of the events of the past five days. The Balloons vs Bombs story.

This bit in particular deserves a commendation for use of irony.

U.S. Media has been working hard to downplay the seriousness of the ongoing security issues over Gaza in recent days.
Here is the @nytimes version of the same story published earlier.…
Read 5 tweets
During the 11-day Gaza war in May the BBC and especially @bbcworldservice did a fantastic job of covering the rapidly escalating conflict.

However they seem to have now dropped the ball now that Israel has broken the casefire. #GazaUnderAttack
The story above completely buries the most important aspect of what is happening now in the Israel conflict.

Had Hamas responded last night with rockets this story would have led the news… and as my linked thread shows for a while last night it was thought they had done so.
Notably the @bbcworldservice’s The Newsroom program - a 24h breaking news service heard all around the world - did not report the 3rd day of bombings at all.

As the thread shows there are numerous hard news angles that could be followed and which justify coverage.
Read 14 tweets
This is the "innocent" flag march that led to young Gazans attaching candle wicks to balloons and setting them free to fly into Israel. Israel responded with bombs.
Tonight Israel's new Government repeated the bombs for balloons operation, on the eve of a trip by the head of the IDF to America to meet his counterparts in the U.S. Military.

The timing seems intent on provoking Hamas to break their side of a @POTUS brokered ceasefire.
Israel's new 5-day old Government is literally playing with fire. Deadly fire.
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Under this thread are names and photos of at least 66 Palestinian children killed during Israel’s recent attack on Gaza (10 - 21 May).
Starting with these two siblings who were killed along with their pregnant mother in my neighborhood, Zaid, 4 and Mariam 2.
Yazan al-Masri, 2, killed by an Israeli airstrike on Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip.

Marwan al-Masri, 6, killed by an Israeli airstrike on Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip.

Read 32 tweets
THREAD: The US support to Israel, summed up in the "Israel has the right to defend itself" statements by US officials, faces heavy scrutiny after #SaveSheikhJarrah & #GazaUnderAttack

Here are a few pieces by our analysts exposing US complicity in violating Palestinian rights:
In this podcast episode just after Biden's election win, Al-Shabaka's @alaatartir warned of the new president's track record of support toward Israel (he's a self-proclaimed Zionist) & his promotion of the antiquated process of "economic peace"…
As the US presidential election campaign was in full swing last year, our analyst @HalahAhmad argued that "Democratic candidates’ views on Palestine and human rights often reflect an inconsistency in their commitment to tackling inequality and racism"…
Read 7 tweets
Our report shows 500 reports of Palestinian #DigitalRights violations over the past two weeks. Loads of content were taken down, Loads of accounts were suspended, This is the online oppression against Palestinians! #GazaUnderAttack
Check out our report:…
It documents 40 reports that exposed the hate speech & incitement to violence directed towards Palestinians online, including reports of Israeli extremist groups mobilizing lynch mobs on WhatsApp & Telegram. #DigitalRights #HumanRights
Check out our report…
Google also blurred the Gaza Strip and made the area low-resolution on Google Maps, impeding the ability of HR groups to document attacks & demolitions. #SavePalestine #SavePalestinians #Palestine
Check out our report:…
Read 4 tweets

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