Let's go back in history and review winners....
1984: The best theme ever. "It's Morning in America." That's it. "Things are great" was basically the point. Mondale had a billion themes on a billion issues, some contradictory. (I know how bad that was, because I was one of his speechwriters....
1988: Dukakis had no theme, and Bush barely had one. His was basically "whoo-hoo, let's keep going!" blended with som pretty ugly racism pushed by Lee Atwater. But the absence of a Dukakis theme was horrific....
1992: Bush once again had no theme. Clinton did: New covenant, New Democrat. Lots of people today sneer at that, but at the time it was needed. "Liberal" was a term...
1996: Both had weak themes, Dole's was weakest. Clinton's...
2000: Gore had no theme of consequence. He almost ran as "I'm not Clinton" to counter what was called "Clinton fatigue." He should have won and would have if he had won his own state...
2008: Hope. A MEGA-theme. At a time when so much seems to have gone wrong in this country, "hope" was perfect..
2016: MAGA. Another broad theme, inspirational to a lot of people. Spoke to a future, returning to (imagined) glories of the past...
And the democrats? Bernie's theme is sweeping, summed up almost as "revolution." Sure, he has....
Biden, Harris, Buttigieg? Nothing inspirational that I can figure out.
Warren? "I have a plan for that." Probably the worst theme ever. Opens itself up to being twisted easily by opponents...
Yang has something of a theme - "A New Way Forward." But once again, that is issues based. What is that way? It raises questions about the issues, not about the direction of America
Dems lose because they often don't inspire....
This is why the....