Muscle makes you look better.
Muscle makes you feel better.
Pretty obvious. But a lot of guys (particularly Men Over 40) seem to think that it's only about your appearance.
It's not.
Most men don't even try to hold onto theirs as they age.
You've got to take a different path.
Here's 8 health-related reasons why:
With a higher calorie-burn, you're less likely to:
- Be overweight or obese
- Get diabetes
- Have poor heart health
And a whole host of other problems that the vast majority of people end up suffering.
With more muscle mass, comes better bone health (crucial in your older years).
With better bone health, comes lower risk of osteoporosis, falls, fractures, that common plague people as they age.
HUGE long-term benefits.
One of the greatest ways to improve your posture is to build muscle in your back and legs.
Are all ENORMOUSLY helpful for all this.
I've said it before & I'll say it again:
Testosterone becomes more and more important every year beyond age 40. Get it right, and it bleeds into all your other areas of life.
The Bond program gives you the 'organic' strategies:…
This is absolutely linked to higher testosterone.
But the very act of having more muscle is strongly correlated to having lower anxiety.
Being more muscular simply reduces your fear on a very primal level.
More muscle mass leads to better insulin resistance, plain and simple.
Confidence is one of those true, but largely unhelpful 'buzz words'.
What is confidence?
I would argue that it's when you feel strong/powerful. And it's much easier to feel this way when you ARE legitimately physically strong.
If you want to blast your bench well beyond 250+, and start deadlifting 400+...
WITHOUT gaining fat...
Then the Warrior Program is for you:…
Your risk of Alzheimer's in your later years plummets if you maintain your muscle mass.
As AJAC always said:
Mentality = Physicality.
And he's right - the two are hopelessly inter-twined.
- Gain more muscle
- Lose more fat
- Sky-rocket your energy
- Preserve your health
- Be more free
If you implement the daily muscle-building strategies I give you here.
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