Anti-racism work is easier to talk about what it doesn't look like. We avoid the word racism and for a lot of white liberals "diversity, equality, acceptance and belonging" are more palatable terms.

Representation politics become tokenistic.
Universities are just as racist as the police force.
From even before we arrive at university, minority racial groups are already at a disadvantage.
How much do we focus on individual experiences or does this detract attention from the bigger picture?
What does it look like to live in a liberated university? It wouldn't be a university anymore; it goes beyond a private space.
Is this a place which can create this redistribution change?
Coming to Oxbridge as a student of colour gives us a magical legitimacy and an unearned authority which we must use to critique and challenge the universities.
We have to be disruptive. We cannot leave universities with only degrees - pressure from punitive structures.
Students lay the framework which is going to be erased once they leave.
Support campaigns who are doing radical work on campus.
Huge burden falling on students of colour to do this work.
Legacy work is important. People need to come and carry on the work. There are communities here to find for students of colour.
There is a possibility to recalibrate what university is.
University hides behind terms like "BME" which conflates different experiences.
How do we translate this somewhat complex discourse into a somewhat basic society? (Racism is bad - empire, not good 🤪)
Decolonise has become a buzzword, the problem is it's seen as a project which can be completed. It's actually a continuous process of unsettling, not just adding Franz Fanon to the reading list.
The world has been misunderstood.
Oral histories devalued in the face of archival histories.
Decolonising is a lifelong project! There is so much potential in vocational subjects to deconstruct.
The universities could equip these students to be agents of change.
Science is underpinned by "truth and fact".
We have to rethink how we study these subjects. Funding should not allow our continued complicity.
External funding means unis cannot be objective. Our own complicity can be terrifying.
Free speech is not universally applied. Whose speech is free? It's a counterinsurgency tool.
11. "How do we get the people who need to hear these conversations into the room? Do we need that engagement?"
Huge shoutout to @lolaolufemi_, @thebrownhijabi, @bantu_reindeer, and @afuahirsch for being such inspiring and POWERFUL (!!!!) speakers.
@PriyamvadaGopal organised an incredible talk, so sorry (to this man) if you missed it!
Until the next time!