"So no pressure, no demands, no conditions, nothing corrupt. Nothing. Nothing on the call. That's what we heard Zelensky say."
Note - We still havent seen the full transcript of the call.
Speier: Zelensky still hasn't had that meeting. Yet Lev Parnas had a meeting in WH after participating in campaign events.
cc: @KlasfeldReports
But today, I have heard some of these same lawmakers claim Trump "has been impeached" since day 1.
I know what is being suggested. I'm not dense. Neither are you. But again, my observation is on the cherrypicking.
Both Kent and Taylor have testified that they are not direct witnesses, but they are witnesses to a shakedown scheme.
Bolton/Mulvaney both have spoke directly to Trump and unlike Kent/Taylor, they've refused to be part of proceedings.
Taylor: No it is not.
Funds must be well spent, must go toward dealing with sound policy decisions or in event that rec'ing country takes actions in our nat'l interest.
Taylor hesitates for just a moment and then unequivocally:
Taylor: If we're talking about political influence, to get information that is solely useful for political campaigns, if that's what we're talking about, we should not.
They've got more than 40 years of collective foreign service experience and have served under various political administrations.
Kent: Not the one about investigations, a draft was shared with Giuliani, but because it didn't mention Burisma or 2016, Giuliani said it wouldn't be acceptable.
POTUS committed extortion or bribery of a foreign official or attempted extortion or bribery of a foreign official.
When Trump got Zel on the phone on July 25, he was talking to a desperate man. Is that right? He needed foreign assistance.
Then in response to Q by Castro about what would have happened to Ukraine if aid never came:
Taylor: He would have been much weaker on the battlefield against Russia.
Taylor explains that this is possible, it would fall in line with Russia's typical position toward Ukr.
Taylor, including Kent in his response: Yes. Neither of us are lawyers, but we think that's right.
Castro: Is attempted extortion or bribery a crime?
Taylor: I don't know sir.
Kent says it's his job to answer questions today, it's Congress job to decide constitutionality
Swalwell calls point of order. According to the inquiry resolution, questioning the chairman is not permitted.
Schiff suggests Ratcliffe return to questioning and use his time well.
Neither of the career foreign service officials agreed that it was perfect. It raised concerns.
This is what motivated the inquiry, he argues.
cc: @KlasfeldReports
"I tell people in Italy, he's not just dangerous to the U.S., he's a danger to the world," she said.