There are 25 million Australians who have watched on, in utter disbelief, as members of @AustralianLabor bullied a talented, committed & lionhearted women,@emmahusarmp , out of her job serving as an elected member of Aust Gov .... cont 1/7
Any other workplace in the country, this would never been allowed . The ALP is in violation of the Fair Work act & Anti discrimination act @AlboMP
Mr Albanese, why have stood by & watched this happen to @emmahusarmp & not said one word?
How could we expect you & @AustralianLabor to stand up for 25 million Aust as a leader when you haven't even stood up for 1? We simply can’t ...
As the leader of @AustralianLabor , you had a duty of care to provide @emmahusarmp a safe workplace - you failed to do this.
There are 25 million Austs waiting for an apology to be given to @emmahusarmp , & those responsible to be held accountable.
Without this, you are a hypocrite in everything you say and do.
You cannot be a leader only when it suites you @AlboMP
She deserved better, she trusted you & others - you let her down...make it right