In #Nigeria,
11% of the population
7% of schools
5% of health facilities have access to basic #water, sanitation & #hygiene services.
46 million #Nigerians practice open #defecations making us the 2nd worst country where open defecation is prevalent .
Lack of toilets leading to open defecations has health & environmental implications. Its linked to high prevalence of water- borne diseases like Cholera, diarrhoea etc.

10,000,000 viruses
1,000,000 bacteria
1,000 parasite cyst and
100 parasite eggs and pathogens.
If left in the open, these may be carried by the 4 famous four of disease transmission ( flies, fluid ,finger and field )
But that target date is too long.
PM Modi of #India has shown whats possible. Rural sanitation coverage improved in India as below
2014 - 39%
2018 - 76%
2019 - 100%
Ekiti can do this

We all have a part to play.
We can't make Nigeria the center for open defecations. We must all join hands to change this.