I'd like to have a direct conversation with you over your endorsement of Warren's #MedicareForAll plan. I highly doubt you'll respond but I am going to try. Hopefully you do and hopefully I'll be able to make you re-think your decision.
I likely won't see the first term through of whomever the next POTUS is. Like you, I have limited time left. I am infected with 2 antibiotic resistant superbugs - E. Coli & Staph. There's no cure & they'll eventually kill me.
Many are in the same position as I. There are so many who can't afford their meds and people are dying because of it. You've surely heard all the stories about insulin and epi-pens.
This is a recipe for disaster as we've seen. Ask yourself is that REALLY the best policy that helps people? I think the logically conclusion is a solid "NO" it is not.