If you follow me, you probably have a sense of what we do. But there's so much more!
Here's a thread on just a few of the amazing things we've done in 2019.
Give here: secure.everyaction.com/VaYY-zI9H02mEJ…
1. Stopped A.G. Barr from stripping asylum seekers of the right to seek bond;
2. Halted a nationwide expansion of fast-tracked "expedited" deportations.
3. Preserved the right to seek asylum for people subject to metering.

4. Filed the first lawsuit on behalf of parents seeking to hold the government accountable for family separation;
5. Had the first-ever FOIA class action certified, in a lawsuit challenging delays in providing vital evidence.

6. Used data from a lawsuit filed in 2018 to reveal crucial information about family separation;
7. Filed a FOIA lawsuit demanding transparency about how the BIA grants stays of removal.
We do more than lawsuits, though!

1. A complaint about babies held in Dilley, which got nationwide attention;
2. A complaint about deficient ICE medical care in ICE's Denver Contract Detention Facility.

3. Filed a complaint about horrific conditions in CBP custody for moms and children;
4. Filed a complaint about injustice and due process problems in the El Paso SPC Immigration Court that deprived people of their rights.

1. The Role of Contact and Values in Public Attitudes Toward Unauthorized Immigrants;
2. Changing Patterns of Interior Immigration Enforcement in the United States.

1. A Guide to Policies Affecting Asylum Seekers at the Border;
2. The Institutional Hearing Program: An Overview;
3. Seeking Release from Immigration Detention.
4. Workers with Temporary Protected Status in Key Industries and States;
5. Temporary Protected Status: An Overview;
6. Immigrants and Families Appear in Court: Setting the Record Straight.
I write about one post a week for Immigration Impact!
At the Justice Campaign, we mentor volunteer attorneys through the processing of representing detained immigrants.
We're helping find lawyers for asylum seekers seeking bond in El Paso!

I could list so much more, including new practice advisories, op-eds, Congressional statements for the record, press and Hill briefings, expert declarations, and on-the-ground advocacy!
We're not a huge organization. Our legal team is 9 people. Our policy team is just 5 people, myself included. That means your support goes a long way.
Given all of the above, I hope you think of us this #GivingTuesday!