If an Austrian says they don’t think they should criticize other cultures, only their own, how is that evidence of the “intellectually bankrupt” notion of hatred of one’s own culture?
A school board in SF doesn’t want a George Washington mural anymore.
A volunteer in Namibia wakes up to the real effects of US foreign policy.
“How can it have come to such cultural self-hatred? The answer lies in an oft-repeated historical process that takes a society from naïve and self-promoting beginnings to self-contempt and decline.”
How have we come to such a place of temporal disjointedness? The answer lies in a natural historical process that takes societies from perfectly running trains to sleeplessness and depression.
It’s *his* time now.
Conservatives of Western civilization unite!
Lefties, critical scholars, progressives you thought you were being original in your criticism? Ha ha ha. In my scheme of the rise and fall of civilizations you’ve merely caught an unoriginal sickness sent to you by natural destiny!