What’s going on with schools in England?
How come so many academy schools controllers are super-rich supporters of #Brexit, #BorisJohnson & Michael #Gove?
I’ve been investigating with @warwickmansell
Here’s what we’ve found:
Big Tory donor Harris, given a peerage by Thatcher, backs #Brexit
He doesn’t like laws that restrict working hours,
he told BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme 2yrs ago:

For fun, HARRIS and his wife own world-class showjumping horses with their friends the Kirkhams. Lord (Graham) Kirkham, who made his billion in sofas, is another big Conservative donor given a peerage by the Conservatives.
In Tory leadership battle Lord Philip Harris handed:
£20,000 to Dominic Raab
£10,000 to Michael Gove.
£30,000 to the man he’d once called too lazy and unpredictable to make a good Prime Minister: Boris Johnson.
more here by @warwickmansell & me opendemocracy.net/en/shine-a-lig…
The same men — #Gove & #Cummings — who devised #Brexit also commanded a massive expansion of #academy schools, handing control of many of our children’s schools to big Tory funders.

A Department for Education press release promised “freedom” and “empowerment”, language Gove and Cummings would recycle to push #Brexit.

When Gove, Cummings and their private equity collaborators took control at the Department for Education in May 2010 there were 203 academies. By September 2012 there were 2,309 – a tenfold increase.
according to the Guardian, #Cummings blogged:
“We got away with subverting
every W/hall & No10 process,
& it took DC 4 yrs to surrender.”


£100,000 to #BorisJohnson leadership campaign
£120,000 to Vote Leave, and another £135,000 to the Conservatives since 2002
Chaired Vote Leave Finance Committee, & Vote Leave’s Campaign Committee.

Moynihan is also Founding director of a company calling itself "Parents and Teachers for Excellence" 🤨
It's not what you'd call a grass roots org
Some supporters:

DAVID ROSS controls a chain of 34 academy schools educating 13,000 pupils.
Controversial #CarphoneWarehouse founder worth £668 million , he’s mates with #DavidCameron.

Controverial #CarphoneWarehouse mate of #DavidCameron DAVID ROSS was even tipped to run #Ofsted !
Sometimes he drops in on “his” academy schools by helicopter (reminder: these schools funded by the state, but outside of local democratic control—Ross does the controlling)

#Brexit backer, donated heavily to #BorisJohnson,
colourful life (try Google)

“Admitted taking part in orgies with prostitutes, charging £3,000 a night, at his Monaco tax haven home”. Controls 6 schools in England— 4,000 pupils.

Gove put THEODORE AGNEW (insurance multi-millionaire) on Dept Education board in 2010, & Min Justice board in 2015.
Agnew, former trustee of Conservative think-tank founded the 13-school, 6,600-pupil Inspiration Trust in 2012.

#Brexiteer Sir Paul Marshall, gave £100,000 to #VoteLeave
• Chairs Ark Schools— 38 schools, 26,000 pupils.
• He’s a hedge funder worth £590 million.
• Gove put Marshall on Dept Education board.
• Marshall funded Gove.

Chaired British Venture Capital Association & private healthcare firm Care UK, one of the NHS’s biggest contractors.

What happens when local communities resist them?
Read on:
Thanks to this under-the-radar transfer of power, public control of 9,000 English state-funded schools is already lost.
Some of Britain’s richest businessmen, who've collectively paid millions to the Conservatives, find themselves in command.
this work is by @warwickmansell & @CLARESAMBROOK edited by @Rebecca_Omonira for @SHINEreports & @openDemocracy

@warwickmansell has been digging into education matters for 20yrs. . You can read more of his stunning disclosures & help fund his work here