We are going to start off w/ some key principles and get all the way to the basics of a 12-lead #EKG!
“So like a P-wave?” Yeah! Exactly!
But how?
Away from the electrode registers as a downward i.e NEGATIVE deflection on the EKG!
So the P-wave will be negative in aVR!
For the ventricles, below image from cvphysiology.com is 🔥.
- image is from lead II’s perspective
- red top arrow is the overall direction of electricity
- why L to R electricity of the septum? The L bundle of His is faster!

The T-wave represents REpolarization (REpol) or “resetting” of the cardiac myocytes!
The LAST myocytes to DEpol are the FIRST to REpol!
- with DEpolarization, positive charges were coming toward it and it registers positive on the EKG
- with REpolarization, negative charges are going AWAY from it, which means our electrode feels positive still!
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What do det ischemia do doe?
Not enough O2 messes with our bodies ability to make ATP.
In the heart, and elsewhere, not enough ATP makes the Na-K-ATPase less functional.
Remember how the cardiac myocyte rests at -90 mV?
Normally, they funnel 3 Na+ OUT of the cell and 2 K+ INTO the cell for a net negative of 1 since 3+ go out and 2+ come in. Cumulatively, the cell is left at a negative -90mV!
This = less remaining cell to DEpol, so faster time to REpol!
With subendocardial ischemia, these cells DEpol FASTER now and at about the same speed as the epicardial cells. So, they switch to REpol faster too!
The REpol wave is NEGATIVE and negative toward the (+) electrode = a negative EKG deflection!
This is why the REpol wave (the T-wave) is inverted in subendocardial ischemia!
So - what about ST depressions and elevations?
Remember: the ischemic portion of the heart is DEpol already and permanent ischemia = forever DEpol.
- positive DEpol waves toward an (+) electrode cause POSITIVE deflections on an EKG
- negative REpol waves toward a (+) electrode cause NEGATIVE deflections on an EKG
- non-permanent subendocardial ischemia causes t-wave inversions because REpol wave flips
- transmural ischemia flips the DEpol wave and causes ST elevations
Armed w/ this understanding, you can now find the culprit lesions! It’s ALL just the leads!
Here’s a summation of such by @srrezaie:
- just think through the “eyes” of the EKG and you’ll too will see 🤓