City is requiring that raining for all city supervisors, council members, fire staff. (325 participants)
Not currently mandatory in the resolution, Kane says.
Not until we have our goals and strategies firmed up, via a public process.
Kane: Resolution is really a commitment to the work council is going to focus on. Goals will be developed with community.
Not sure that's her intent, just my take.
"But what comes next? And how binding is this resolution? Where does real accountability feature?"
Asks for a comprehensive audit of all city policies, contracts, etc. that might conflict with sanctuary status of Boulder.
"We have something that's full of intent ... but as things are worded now they're a little vague or a little squishy. Get more specific, bc that's how you get the Prius."
"But the real world doesn't happen in city council chambers; it happens on the streets." With police officers, etc.
"It's a journey and we will stumble along the way."
Thanks Young for expediting this, "But I don't think a hasty signing is an effective or respectful response" to racist incidents in our community.
BUT we could add language about developing metrics and reporting back to the community on a regular basis.
Swetlik: I think it's important so we're not judging ourselves.
Also wants any training to be mandatory for city council.
"We can be fired by the voters and that's about it."
Weaver: Yeah we need to work on how we refresh this.
"I would not make perfection be the enemy of the good here. It's something we ought to do and we ought to do it promptly. There's more work to be done."
Young: This is a council resolution. It recognizes that accountability is coming in the action plan.
Also thinks community members should draft their own resolution that community members can sign onto.
Kane: Next session is Feb. 7; bias and micro aggression training will likely start mid-year.
Kane: We have 30 trainings scheduled for Jan, Feb and March. They are on weekdays; but we'll figure that out.
Council votes unanimously to adopt resolution.