1. Book of Daniel (contemporary source) makes clear that Jewish cult at the Temple was affected by the Seleukid state.
a. inspection ofTemple finances, paralleled in Seleukid documents
b. foundation of city Antiocheia by Jewish elites, paralleled by inscription in Asia Minor
c. restoration of Temple, recorded in "paper trail" showing role of local elites (not rebels)
1. 170s Temple under direct Seleukid admin
2. Foundation of "Antiocheia" by Jews next to Temple-state Jerusalem
3. 167 Refoundation of ?Antiocheia by Seleukids after rebellion, Temple-state abolished, Temple in new city
4. Reversal of decsion upon petition by Menelaos
Arguing for cultural and narrative shaping of the Maccabean narrative as charter myth of the later Hasmonean dynasty: S. Honigmann's book and articles…
1. Seleukid documents re. administration of religious finances (in Asia Minor and now S. Levant !)
2. Royal correspondance re. petition-and-response
3. Documents on end of autonomy= loss of ethnic identity & shrines.…
but rethought them in the Marginalia piece (published thanks to T. M. Law)
New Perspectives in Seleucid History, Archaeology and Numismatics. Studies in Honor of Getzel M. Cohen
Ed. R. Oetjen
Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 355