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Thread: Oh dear. Dear oh dear. By chance today I read a copy of what passes for a "newspaper" on UK tax-haven Jersey island. Where to start? This is going to be a long & important thread, concerning how & why decades of child-abuse - & other crimes - are covered-up in the UK....
....this thread won't unfold quickly, because these issues are deeply important - so be patient. Also - as will be explained - I will either be politically imprisoned again - or murdered - for writing this thread. Seriously. This IS - fundamentally - an anti-mafia thread. So...
....this isn't a bit of social media 'fucking-around'. This is for the grown-ups. When I complete this thread - you, the world, will have some insight into the modus operandi of the British mafia. Yes - Britain has a mafia-problem. Watch this space for some detail...patience...
...firstly, let me explain what Jersey is. Or, rather, to better explain what Jersey 'is', it is better to instead ask the question, 'what is Jersey's "product"? What makes Jersey so, so very important, all of Whitehall, the City of London Commune, Westminster & the Palace....
...are all united in an implacable determination to shield Jersey's ridiculous and plainly insupportablly unlawful "constitutional" position? It is this: whoever controls Jersey, controls the greatest mafia asset on the face of the planet. The richest mafia turf conceivable...
....What places like Jersey - and especially Jersey - are - are "jurisdictions" in which - as if by magic - whoever controls them - has the power to apply - or disapply - the rule-of-law. This is Jersey's 'product' - the "non-law" - as I describe it......
...you have a problem, in that your "business-activities" might have a problem with the law in respectable nation-states? No problem. Buy some Jersey "non-law" - run your core activities through Jersey - & - provided you can pay top-dollar of course - you have no problem....
...what ya wanna do? Illegal arms trading? Cocaine money rinsing? tax-evasion? Bribery conveyancing? Conspiracies? Sanctions-busting? Money-laundering? Honey-trap venue? General racketeering? Inchoate fraud? Child-abuse entrapment?.....
...Jersey offers it all - and more. All the "non-law" that even the most industrious of the world's mafia-syndicates could ever ask for. Roll-up, roll-up! You need it? We got it! - Provided you've got big - BIG - money. The "non-law" is very - very - expensive. ....
.....But - and this is crucial to note: the Jersey mafia are not the real bosses of Jersey's product of "non-law". The Jersey bosses would be crushed - tomorrow - if they ceased to serve the real bosses. And the real bosses - over Jersey - and the other UK tax-havens are....
...The City of London Corporation. More accurately described as the City of London Commune. Check-out the documentary The UK Gold That's the trailer.....
....I'm going to take a break now. Now that the important background facts have been established. Later, I will resume and continue this thread - taking a look at what passes for a "newspaper" on UK mafia-turf tax-haven Jersey island.......
.....provided - of course - I'm still breathing later.
.....So, Jersey has only one "newspaper" - the Jersey Evening Post. The parent company is The Guiton Group. This is the same "newspaper" & parent company who enthusiastically & very profitably coined-it - printing Nazi propaganda during the occupation in WWII....
....the JEP was owed by a narrow band of Jersey's customary feudal - literally feudal - ruling-elites. The same set of ruling-elites whose family businesses made huge profits, doing the more skilled aspects of the immense Nazi bunker construction program - with the basic labour..
...undertaken by 1000s of slave-workers imported by the Nazis. No acculturate death-toll has ever been established. A number of islanders - not connected with power in Jersey - were cheerfully rounded-up by Jersey police @JerseyPolice - for handing over to the Nazis
@JerseyPolice ...for deportation to Nazi internment camps. My grandmother - Magdalene Gould - amongst them. She gave birth to my mother Madeline Gould in the Nazi internment camp of Biberach. This wasn't a death-camp. But my grandmother lived in terror during that time because of her name....
@JerseyPolice .....that she and all her children - Ronnie & Raymond who were deported with her - would meet a dark fate. Raymond died there, suffering an injury. Evidently the surviving deportees were liberated by the Americans and returned to Jersey......
@JerseyPolice ..I explain that, because the methodology of the Jersey mafia is all about PR, all about the-invention of history, the manufacture of fake narratives. And - unsurprisingly - the Nazi collaborating Jersey mafia has co-opted & falsely manipulated the narrative of their Nazi years..
@JerseyPolice ....I'm going to take another short break now. Everything I've written so far, may seem extraordinary to most readers - because the truth of Jersey - what it is - and its mafia - is not usually spoken of. Trust me - things get worse.....
@JerseyPolice ...Today I did a rare thing. I bought a copy of Jersey's Nazi collaborator rag, the JEP, because the headline caught my eye: 'Rape Case Closed'. This is a recent case of stranger-rape. Not a legally ambiguous case. The JEP article is PR puff-piece for the Jersey cops.....
@JerseyPolice ...paragraph after paragraph of lame apologia for the fact all the Jersey cops can do is shrug their shoulders, and say "we investigated; we didn't find anyone. So that's the end of that." The officer the JEP quote is one Stewart Gull. Remember that name.....
@JerseyPolice .....this is how disgusting Jersey is: no serious suspect can - apparently - be identified in the stranger-rape case - so that case has been "closed". Yet on page 2 of the rag, we learn of another case that "A Manhunt Underway After Woman Attacked.".....
@JerseyPolice ....so that's Jersey cops "closing" a stranger-rape case - after a mere 7 weeks - and having to launch a fresh investigation for yet another attack on a woman. One doesn't need a doctorate in criminology to see the problems here.....
@JerseyPolice ....But, here's another reason why one has to look askance at any investigation into sexual crimes that involves Stewart Gull. He was one of the team of cops - directed by the Jersey mafia - to arrest jail, prosecute and imprison me - for whistle-blowing child-abuse cover-ups...
@JerseyPolice .....in addition to exposing Jersey's decades of child-abuse cover-ups - I was also exposing other - profoundly serious crimes. After all, if the local mafia will cover-up child-rape & suspected murder - they're not going to stop at anything else.....
@JerseyPolice ....so amongst the other crimes I was exposing in my capacity as a Senator - working on behalf of my vulnerable constituents - were clinical serial murder - and rapes committed by a very - very - powerful Jersey oligarch....
@JerseyPolice ...what passes for a "police force" on UK tax-haven Jersey island knows - fully - as a public authority - all about those crimes. Knows them to be real. Knows them to be as serious as could possibly be. Knows them to be evidenced. But yet - the Jersey cops go along, not only...
@JerseyPolice ...with the cover-ups - but even worse - the illegal - fascistic - anti-democratic oppression & suppression of an opposition politician trying to protect his constituents from such dangerous criminals. But - frankly - we can't be surprised at this attitude from Jersey police....
@JerseyPolice ....after all - this is the same Police Force that helped the Nazis to round-up people like my grandmother - and resistance activist Anthony Faramus en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_F… - who was arrested & handed over to the Nazis by Detective Constable Benjamin Shenton.....
@JerseyPolice ..Detective Constable Benjamin Shenton was father of the post-war Jersey demagogue & plastic 'voice-of-the-working-man' the late Senator Dick Shenton - who was the father of the latter Senator Ben Shenton - who was instrumental in undermining the 2008 child-abuse investigations..
@JerseyPolice ...Ben Shenton having - on-the-evidence -engaged in actions to undermine the then - all-too-briefly -good leadership of the Jersey Police Graham Power & Lenny Harper. This is an appropriate point to return to the conduct of the Jersey "newspaper", the JEP & its parent company...
@JerseyPolice .....The Guiton Group. The JEP - Nazi collaborators - and house-journal of the Jersey mafia - has always played the core role in maintaining Jersey oligarchy power. Remember Jersey is THE transnational mafia prize. Whoever controls Jersey controls a "commodity" - non-law - .....
@JerseyPolice ...worth billions annually. Which is why the Jersey mafia is so rabidly shielded by the City of London mafia. So the Jersey Evening Post was - naturally enough - all-in - fully committed - to the Jersey mafia child-abuse cover-ups. And here's a fact which hides in-plain-sight...
@JerseyPolice ....just like Jimmy Savile - all people who have taken a serious interest the British child-abuse cover-ups atrocity - will have seen the desperate - panicked - overt - determination by the British establishment - to maintain an artificial 'fire-wall' - between the Jersey....
@JerseyPolice .....child-abuse cover-ups - and the UK, London establishment child-abuse cover-ups. Then Home Secretary Theresa made a point of excluding Jersey from #IICSA - notwithstanding the horrifying fact that the sabotage of the 2008 Jersey investigation.....
@JerseyPolice ....was the sabotage of the only police investigation which could have brought the then still living Jimmy Savile to justice. Think about that. Also, this, Theresa May's husband is one Philip May - also a Conservative party member - and - crucially.....
@JerseyPolice ....a multi-millionaire Big Time operative in the City of London Commune. Remember them? - The conflicts of interest engulfing the Mays are profound and terminal. Her exclusion of Jersey from #IICSA - when the Jersey investigation could have .....
@JerseyPolice ...in 2008, brought the then still living Savile to justice - is simply a criminal enterprise. Given her husband's & hers financial interests in the City of London status quo - she was terminally conflicted. And should have declared so & taken no part in any decision re Jersey...
@JerseyPolice ...It get's worse. When then Home Secretary Theresa May announced #IICSA to the Commons, she made a point of 'justifying' her exclusion of events re Jersey, on the ground that Jersey was going to have 'ts own public inquiry - "The Oldham Review" - which report would be.....
@JerseyPolice ...."incorporated into #IICSA's work." The resultant Jersey-based "Oldham Review" was and is - without question - THE most nakedly corrupt "public-inquiry" in the entire history of British public-inquiries. Just for example, it constructively-excluded me from being a witness....
@JerseyPolice ....in spite of the fact I am THE whistle-blower on the Jersey child-abuse cover-ups - July 2007 - and was the actual Health & Social Services Minister who investigated the abuse & cover-ups in the teeth of lying opposition by senior civil-servants......
@JerseyPolice ...Frances Oldham - who chaired Jersey's gangster, fake "public-inquiry" is a City-of-London Commune based multi-millionaire lawyer - "conveniently" based in chambers in Bedford Row in the City-of-London - very handy for meeting with colleagues from the chambers "7 Bedford Row"..
@JerseyPolice ...amongst the overt illegalities - carefully planned to prevent me from being an effective witness on behalf of Jersey's 100s of abuse victims - was refusing to give me access to legal representation - and - and this to some will be astonishing - but to those of us .....
@JerseyPolice ....familiar with the total, undiluted and irredeemable corruption of the Jersey mafia, not so surprising - Oldham actually agreed to have as the two core evidence-co-coordinators for the "public-inquiry" - two of the very culpable civil-servants who'd been obstructing me...
@JerseyPolice ..in my lawful capacity as Health & Social Services Minister. But - but - there were other ways - deliberately designed ways by Oldham's fake "public-inquiry" calculated to tamper with me as a witness - interfere with me - intimidate me - stop me from giving effective testimony..
@JerseyPolice ...on behalf of Jersey's abuse-victims. Had I been able to give evidence, my testimony would have been 100% on the side of the victims. This is how I was intimidated. Jersey's fake "public-inquiry" based itself in the building of Jersey law-firm The-Ogier-Group.....
@JerseyPolice ....you can read all about the toxicity and terminal conflicts of interest concerning The-Ogier-Group - and I strongly recommend it - here - freespeechoffshore.nl/stuartsyvretbl… - one of the blog-postings the Jersey mafia politically imprisoned me for. Yep - The-Ogier-Group.....
@JerseyPolice .....OK - this has been a long thread - but we're starting to get towards a conclusion - for the time-being. I ask, always bear in mind, that the things I've written here are scarcely the tip-of-the-iceberg. I'm going to take a short break - then we'll get to the reveal. .....
@JerseyPolice ...In this blog-posting - which - amongst other examples of public-interest investigative-journalism - I have been politically imprisoned for - via "procedures" worse than Putin's Russia - freespeechoffshore.nl/stuartsyvretbl… - I describe chains of conflicts-of-interest....
@JerseyPolice ....in that article, pay particular attention to the three Jersey multi-millionaire lawyers - and close colleagues and allies with the City-of-London Commune - and with the City legal chambers 7 Bedford Row - Michael Birt, Julian Clyde-Smith, & Tim Le Cocq - all of who.....
@JerseyPolice ...in addition to being rich Jersey lawyers - were or are "Crown Officers" - that is "prosecutors" and "judges" in what passes for a criminal "justice" system on UK mafia enclave Jersey island. All such posts are expressly appointed & empowered by the Monarch, via Her personal...
@JerseyPolice ...."Letters Patent". Which means that nothing - and no-one - has any power - can exercise any accountability - over these people - other than the Queen. Who also happens to do Her personal banking through UK tax-have Jersey island......
@JerseyPolice ....I mentioned earlier in this thread how Jersey's only "newspaper", the Jersey Evening Post, & its parent company, the Guiton Group are the Nazi-collaborating house-journal of the Jersey mafia. For an example of it's corruption, the JEP has been always rabidly all-in with....
@JerseyPolice ..the Jersey child-abuse cover-ups. The JEP was strenuous in its attacks on me and my whistle-blowing from July 2007 & Police investigations during 2008 & 2009 & did all it could, & more, to undermine and smear good Deputy Police Chief Lenny Harper & Police Chief Graham Power...
@JerseyPolice ....in the JEP of the 24th December - as I explained earlier in this thread - there are two deeply concerning stories about attacks on women. 1 making excuses for the lame abandonment by the police after a mere 7 weeks of a stranger-rape. The other, reporting a fresh attack...
@JerseyPolice ....but there is more - deeply revealing - conduct by the mafia rag of the Nazi-profiteering Guiton Group in the 24th December edition. It contains - as it customarily does - propaganda pieces from the key Jersey / City of London Commune mafia-bosses on the island.....
@JerseyPolice .....the "Bailiff" - and the "Lieutenant Governor". They can be read on pages 16 and 17. You'll have to forgive me if my language offends you - but understand me - I strove to help 100s of powerless, marginalised victims of child-abuse and victims of rape - only to be .....
@JerseyPolice ....pro-actively - and illegally - opposed - and suppressed - by these people. The Jersey Lieutenant Governors have never been anything other than a hand-picked collection of dopey oligarchy cunts. There's less-than-zero reason to think the present cunt, Stephen Dalton...
@JerseyPolice ....is any better than his preceding cunts - such as Andrew Ridgway. Let me tell you about him. In early November 2007, I asked for a meeting with him at Government House - to ask him to fulfil his duty - to protect Her Majesty's subjects from the corruptions ......
@JerseyPolice .....and abuses of power of the local mafia. And the context in which I was doing this couldn't be more serious. I explained to him the utter breakdown in the rule of law on Jersey which included actual senior civil-servants obstructing their Ministers so as to cover-up......
@JerseyPolice ...decades of concealed child-abuse. The then Lieutenant Governor Andrew Ridgway was worse than negligent. He was dismissive, contemptuous, arrangement, actually insulting - and, in some ways I found this worst of all - simply an obviously thick cunt....
@JerseyPolice ....How thick was Andrew Ridgway? This thick: he often actively and loudly boasted at social events of the number of 'non-executive-directorships' he'd been given by the Jersey establishment. That's a criminal offence; bribery, corruption, misconduct in public office, etc. etc...
@JerseyPolice ..So we can't be terribly surprised - that is the Jersey child-abuse situation unfolded, then Lieutenant Governor Andrew Ridgway threw himself into using all the connections & privileges of his Office to maintain London protection for the Jersey child-abusive concealing mafia...
@JerseyPolice .....this included him helping to engineer and 'legitimise' the illegal suspension o the good Police Chief Graham Power. Here's another fascinating fact about Ridgway: after his term as Jersey Lieutenant Governor ended - what did he do next? - Couldn't make it up......
@JerseyPolice ...this dopey - corrupt - cunt - with zero legal & judicial training - was appointed to the senior appointments board, in London, for the British judiciary. I haven't even mentioned Freemasonry. That'll have to wait for another time. But, let's press on....
@JerseyPolice ..Those familiar with serious organised crime - especially transnational serious organised crime - will understand the foundation mafia-methodology of generating "dependent-relationships". This is the basic building-block of mafia power. It only takes a tiny - tiny - little ....
@JerseyPolice ....taste - of the forbidden - then you have them; even if only at a very low-level initially. The merest thing - then you have your "made-men" - and women. Never overlook the women. So - "dependent-relationships" - let's head to our conculsion - after a short break....
@JerseyPolice ...I mentioned ealier the 3 Jersey multi-millionair lawyers Michael Birt, Julian Clyde-Smith, and Tim Le Cocq. Let's reflect on some of things they have in common. They all come from The Ogier Group, they all have become Jersey "prosectors" & "judges" - and - and all 3....
@JerseyPolice ....have played a direct - and terminally illegal - conflicted - role in obstruting and oppressing and suppresing - Police Chief Graham Power - and me.

That's 3 multi-millionare - City of London Commune connected - conflicted laywers from The Ogier Group - hosts of Jersey's ...
@JerseyPolice ....fake, fraudulent "public-inquiry" re decades of concealed child-abuse. But - remember - child-abuse was not the only serious crime concealed by the Jersey mafia. They also concealed murder. And they also concealed rape. And both me, and Graham Power were concerned with....
@JerseyPolice ...those crimes too. We were both, in our respective responsibilities, trying to protect the public - and bring those dangerous criminals to justice. One of those criminals - the rapist - is the immensly powerfull Jersey oligarchy mafia boss I refered to earlier.....
@JerseyPolice ...During the plainly criminal - mafia - illegal suspension of Police Chief Graham Power in November 2008 - the then Home Affairs Minsiter Andrew Lewis lied - and lied again - to the Jersey legislature. As the transcript shows. He repeatedly lied in response to questions from...
@JerseyPolice ...me. Lewis lied, falsely asserting the suspension of the Police Chief was a "sudden" "emergencey" - which had only arisen in the previous 36 hours or so. A lie so insuportable and false, not even Jersey's fake, corrupt, make-belive "public-inquiry" could shield it. But.....
@JerseyPolice ....throughout the consiatnet and repeatd lies of Andrew Lewis to the Jersey legislature - at least 1 other significant figure in the chamber knew he was lying. That person was then Solicator General Tim Le Cocq - who - as we now know - had in fact been "advsing" Lewis on the ...
@JerseyPolice ...conspiracy to illegally suspend the Jersey Police Chief for weeks beforehand. Tim Le Cocq not only knew of the illegal conspiracy - he was centrally involved in it. And this Crown Apponitee sat there - and let the Jersey legislature be lied to - over a matter as profound....
@JerseyPolice ...as the illegal susepnsion of a Police Cheif - so as to sabotage child-abuse investigations - and rape investigations. It's important to remember, the motives of the Jersey mafia to oppres Graham Power - and oppress me - weren't limited to their wish to cover-up their decades..
@JerseyPolice ...of concealed - and mafia-engineered -entrapment - of child-abusers. There were all the other crimes too. For example - the rape committed by the powerfull Jersey oligarchy boss. So, can we guess who that rapist's lawyers were - when the Jersey police were investigating him...
@JerseyPolice ...during 2008? You got it. The Ogier Group.

Details here: freespeechoffshore.nl/stuartsyvretbl…

That's The Ogier Group - of Michael Birt, Julian Clyde-Smith, and Tim Le Cocq - all of who participated in the illegal oppression of Graham Power & of me. And all of who failed to declare...
@JerseyPolice ...their profound conflicts-of-interest.

So - as I said - there's a huge puff-piece for Tim Le Cocq - on page 17 of the December 24th Jersey Nazi collaborating mafia rag, the JEP. Right-hand page - big photo - vacuous bullshit - the whole bit.....
@JerseyPolice ....That’s Tim Le Cocq - of The Ogier Group - lawyers of the rapist - and immensely powerful Jersey oligarchy boss.

So - ‘who is the rapist then?’ Who is the person alluded to here: -


Who is the person ......
@JerseyPolice ....given the crime-concealing covert cypher number “737” by Jersey’s fake “public-inquiry”..???

Who is the person given the crime-concealing covert cypher number “737” by Jersey’s fake “public-inquiry”..???

That person is former Senator John Averty….
@JerseyPolice ....Chief Executive of The Guiton Group - the parent company of Jersey’s only “newspaper”, the Jersey Evening Post.

The same terminally conflicted journal which has assisted the Jersey mafia in covering-up decades of child-abuse.

Legal representatives - The Ogier Group......
@JerseyPolice ..So, when you look at page 17 of the Jersey Evening Post - of the 24th December 2019 - and you see the article promoting “Bailiff” Tim Le Cocq - of The Ogier Group - just remember - this “newspaper” and its parent-company The Guiton Group - are run by a Jersey oligarchy rapist..
@JerseyPolice So, when you look at page 17 of the Jersey Evening Post - of the 24th December 2019 - and you see the article promoting “Bailiff” Tim Le Cocq - of The Ogier Group - just remember - this “newspaper” and its parent-company The Guiton Group.....
@JerseyPolice ... are run by a Jersey oligarchy rapist.

Former Senator - & Deputy Chair of the Jersey Financial Services Commission - John Averty.

And Tim Le Cocq - illegally - sabotaged the 2008 police investigation into Averty. And let the Jersey legislature be lied to on this matter...
@JerseyPolice ...And this man - this despicable - lying - rapist-concealing - conflicted mafia cunt - Tim Le Cocq - is now the London - THE Monarchy - appointed head of the "judiciary" AND "legislature" on UK mafia tax-haven Jersey.

Merry Christmas.

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