@StateDept @foreignoffice
Over 12,000 protesters were arrested during the #IranProtest 2019.
During this time they have been under pressure and torture for forced confessions. Some of their bodies are found in unknown places.
To be the voice of the prisoners
To be the voice of Iranian prisoners
#FreeAllProtesters #Iranprotests
@francediplo_EN @DutchMFA @CanadaFP @NorwayMFA

To be the voice of Iranian prisoners
#FreeAllProtesters #Iranprotests
@InigoNYC @NLatUN @PLinUN @KuwaitMissionUN

To be the voice of Iranian prisoners
#FreeAllProtesters #Iranprotests
@franceonu @SwedenUN @InigoNYC @NLatUN @PLinUN @KuwaitMissionUN @ItalyMFA @USUN