Coming months after the party lost a fourth election in a row, it was a soundbite that put Labour on course for Government

Blair observed that ‘Labour people were really anxious about law and order issues and were far more likely to be tough than soft’
‘Friday nights made absolutely impossible for people; old people afraid to live within their home never mind go out on the streets; young people often intimidated by other young people; these things are wholly unacceptable’
‘There are two sides to this, there's the side of personal responsibility, which we must enforce against those that are committing crime, but then there are deeper underlying causes which we’ve also got to address.
‘We should be tough on crime & tough on the underlying causes of crime. We should be prepared and eager to give people opportunity. But we are then entitled to ask that they take advantage of it to grant rights and demand responsibilities'
Not everyone on the left was pleased.