1. Many of us, especially woman including me, do not own homes (see 11).
2. We don't get cheaper rent than you do.
3. MANY of us are unemployed due to #ageism
5. Many of us have no or very little superannuation - that wasn't the system when we started out.
6. We get up, as I have this morning, put on the lipstick, pop in the earrings - for WHAT? Hope?
8. #BoomerBashers need to consider how many suicides their hatred may be contributing to. Studies are needed on this.
10. Do you treat your own parents the way you treat strangers on the internet?
11. Homelessness is a massive, huge, GROWING problem #BoomerBashers choose to ignore.
13. Many are not eating nutritious food, again due to financial constraints. Leads to poor health. Bread and jam is not a meal.
/The End