Here's what happened at the hearings back in December:
They're asking Dinesh Dwivedi, appearing for PUCL, how long he'll need to complete his argument asking for the matter to be referred to a larger Bench.
Rajeev Dhavan, for Sajad Lone's People's Conference, says Dwivedi + anyone else who wishes to argue that the matter should be referred to larger bench, should stick to that preliminary issue for now.
Says that after this happened in 1957, no power was available to the government to take the actions it did on 5 August and after.
Then reads from Maharaja's Proclamation explaining how J&K would operate with rest of India under Constitution of India, which hadn't yet come into force.
He acknowledges that this may seem controversial, but says that is what the text clearly says.
The language in Art 370(2) & (3) would be "otiose" (pointless), Dwivedi says, if it were to continue after the J&K Constitution was finalised.
After all this, Justice Kaul jokes that the pressure of the arguments so high, it is being felt even in the back of the courtroom]
He notes that these Debates were referenced in the 1959 Prem Nath Kaul judgment of the SC (which supports his view) but not in the 1968 Sampat Prakash judgment.
(See paras 10.154. 300-310)
Dwivedi says this is an alternative argument, in event the court finds that #Article370 continued.
Raju Ramachandran for one of the petitioners had already referred to this case, though not for this purpose.
➡️ On sub-clause 2 of #Article370


Dwivedi continued to read paras from the Prem Nath Kaul judgment, to buttress his argument about what the drafters of the Constitution intended.
"You would have to do something extra-constitutional for that, which is of course what they did", he says.
He says 370(1)(d) could not be used to change 370 itself.
He says the scheme of #Article370 and #JammuAndKashmir 's relationship with Union of India was "frozen in time in 1957".
The case has been adjourned till tomorrow, Wednesday 22 January.