1.3°C today
1.5°C by 2026
2°C by 2038
3°C by 2047
4°C by 2055
'By 2055, climate change is likely to have warmed the world by 4°C unless we stop pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere the way we do now'.
Billions dead at 3.5°C.
This couldn't be true.
Could it?
'temperature rises caused by greenhouse gas emissions are expected to trigger dangerous feedback loops, which will release ever increasing amounts of greenhouse gases'
"the poor will struggle to survive"
Climate justice now.newscientist.com/article/dn1786…

2°C is unavoidable. When will it hit?
Emissions are far higher, and still increasing, 6 years after M. Mann suggested 2036 as a threshold for environmental ruin.
New models show 2°C by 2040.
Could we delay this until after 2100?
It would take an extraordinary global transformation.
The increase per decade would currently appear to be ~0.3C, but the trend seems to be towards acceleration.
'if countries follow through with their current fossil fuel production plans, the world will be on track to warm more than 3 degrees C (5.4 degrees F) by 2100.'
('currently on track to exceed the 2 degree path by 17% by 2030 and 36% by 2040') ⚠️