Yesterday, this video of Alex having a violent reaction to an injection surfaced. Rest in Peace Alex.
Some people had no idea what happened which led to a lot of different takes.
Here are a few things you should know
A Thread
It usually lasts longer than just lignocaine alone
Here are a couple of things that went wrong with what I saw in that video yesterday
You could tell from the way he held the injection to his position. It is best to stand on the right side of the patient.
Using this type of mixture in a vascular area calls for a lot of caution, but a quack would not know that
It can produce an arrythmia which can give hypoxia(low oxygen) and a seizure like response like what you saw in the video
Imagine what a combo of both you can imagine what it will do on the heart.
It's also possible that the patient may have had some underlying heart problems triggered
The guy was rushed to the Emergency department, was resuscitated, and was strongly advised to wait for further observation but refused as he was forcefully taken away by friends and family. Not a good idea in my opinion
He was brought back dead
This is just a case of gangster therapists and technicians parading themselves, wanting to do the job of Doctors and as well earn DR's salary but when things like this happens, they go into hiding.
Quacks will usually fill the gaps that experts hands leave.
Our healthcare is far from perfect, but the question is how can we get it back to acceptable levels