(There's a name for that now: "astroturfing".)
Tobacco companies defining health policies.
Oil&Gas companies defining environmental policies.
Private insurance funds defining welfare policies...
If you don't know him yet meet James Frayne
It's verbatim what he/Cummins advocated in 2004
(Side note: Labour voter you might want to read his article about why Tories had to go negative on Corbyn)

That is also exactly what infamous now-erased-from-the-Heritage-Foundation website, former Legatum Institute now IEA (all arms of the Atlas Network anyway) trade commission member Singham said!
(Not selling it that well tho)
People working for think tanks part of the same network all funded by (Cambridge Analytica's...) Mercer, Oiligarchs Koch Bros & friends all happen to spout the exact same rhetoric good for said funders, bad for the people voting for it!
It's almost as if the (wealthy, anti-regulations) people who could benefit from a GFTA/Eurasian Union had worked together to achieve a common goal with modern manipulation technics.
(Which kind of could explain why so many of the involved mouthpieces have links to both the US/Russia -eg Elliott, Hannan, Farage, Cummings)
But hey "Will of the (gaslighted by disinfo campaigns) people"
ITM if you can't wait here's the link.
(Do not forget to rearchive/print it just in case.
Basically the arguments didn't change much since 2004.
They were made viral is all.
(Also Murdoch's mud in the mix, but that was less effective when a respected, deemed reliable news outlet countered it.)
Again -from 2004.
@carolecadwalla @BylineTimes @peterjukes @PeterKGeoghegan

The guy getting inspiration from Soviet propaganda technics and Al Qaeda's way of selling unicorns to ppl nostalgic of the time-that-never-was, using the powerful tools of faith&xenophobia met unchallenged micro-targeted propaganda -his wildest, wettest dream.

Add a few foreign/offshore billions to fund all that
And there you go:
It was time for "patriotic" Brexit.