As the first budget of a new decade, this one is sending a tax reform signal. GoI is simplifying the income tax slabs and by giving options, it is - (1)
"Saving for Tax benefits" is no longer necessary since most of these tax exemptions come with long lock-ins.(3)
Furthermore did u know that if u are a US citizen, ur income worldwide will be taxed by US government. And US taxation rate falls around the 40% bracket for most people!
In case ur foreign account holding/balance is beyond a set threshold, u have to pay federal tax!
A simplified taxation process should also lead to increase in tax base eventually! (5)…
GoI has decided to subsidize Exporters for duties and VAT on fuel etc. Good move!…
This year I find that the government has gone ahead and addressed most of the points I raised. Why then should one criticize them for the sake of it? (9)
This time around not only has the GST revenue been the 2nd highest but the GoI has also talked about dis-investing LIC through an IPO. (10)
US has 5000+ airports, China has 400+ airports and India has 131 airports as off 2017.
This budget @FinMinIndia has talked about building over 100 airports. Now that is ambitious! (11)
This budget the govt has laid out a plan to build museums across the country and develop 5 heritage cities. Lets have more of it, I say! (12)