Distraction and fake scandal.
1. Admit the crime.
2, Create a fake scandal.
3. Refocus media & public’s attention on the fake scandal.
4. Escape responsibility by blocking factual evidence of the real crime.
5. Get away with crime in broad daylight.
MSM won’t perform this type of analysis. They rely on the Ethics Commissioner’s report as evidence of the validity of JWR’s claim. And continue to spin the focus on PM Trudeau, rather than SNC and government corruption during the Harper CPC govt.
Exactly what Trump is currently doing to the US judiciary & bureaucracy. But Trump’s only had 3 years. Harper had almost 10.
The Ethics Commissioner’s report.
A report widely criticized for its absence of merit and troublesome leaps of logic and reasoning.
Why? Who recommended him?

The Liberals lost much of their veteran MP’s and with that, much of the corporate knowledge, when the party was obliterated in 2006.
Rookies wouldn’t be prepared for the Machiavellian nature of CPC & NDP. All LPC in the committee were elected 2015. All opposition elected 2006.
And it remains UNKNOWABLE with the conclusion of SNC plea bargain and the superficial fine for criminal behaviour that spanned two decades.
Before SNC, no one thought JWR was an effective MOJAG. She made many mistakes and ignored many issues.
But barely anyone in Canada recognizes this situation for what it is.
Cover for SNC and CPC.