AUSA David Denton: Ladies and gentlemen, this case is about the biggest leak in the history of the CIA. This man stole the cyber tools we use for national defense. CIA officers were exposed. Allies wondered if US could be trusted
[Some with pseudonyms or "fake names," no faces.]
You'll hear about the investigation, that the FBI analyzed the info published by WikiLeaks and proved it came from the back-up Schulte stole.
Later, Judge Crotty will instruct you on the law. Please follow them, and use your common sense. And you will find him guilty
Schulte was a smart kid. He went to U of Texas.
Shroff: You've never testified about Wikileaks as an expert?
Rosenzweig: No, I haven't. But --
Shroff: All of your knowledge is from public sources?
Rosenzweig: Yes.
It's on.
Judge Crotty overrules the objection.
AUSA Denton: How do you know that?
Rosenzweig: It's public record. 14 of the participants have admitted it. Jeremy Hammond stole emails from Stratfor
Shroff: As far as you know, you've never spoke with anyone with Wikileaks?
Rosenzweig: As far as I know.
Shroff: All you know is what other people tell you.
Rosenzweig: What Wikileaks tells me.
Rosenzweig: Correct.
Shroff: So what Wikileaks releases is outside your area of expertise?
Rosenzweig: I'm not a computer scientist. I don't know the forensics.
Rosenzweig: That was the second of two reasons.
Shroff: Let's start with the second... You are with a company you started with Michael Chertoff?
Rosenzweig: I'm a senior advisor if I can add value.
AUSA: Objection!
Rosenzweig: I don't get paid by the hour. My current project, they pay me $25,000.
Rosenzweig: The gentlemen there don't control my access (pointing at prosecution table).
Shroff: I'm not asking about the gentlemen there...
Rosenzweig: Not necessarily... I trust some sources more than other based on my prior experience.
Rosenzweig: I would call it conservative.
Shroff: Let's talk about their agenda.
AUSA: Objection!
Judge Crotty: Sustained.
Judge Crotty: Sustained.
Shroff: You wrote a blog--
Rosenzweig: This is from 2005, before I was in the Bush Administration.
Shroff: Let's go to the highlighted section
Shroff: Does Wikileaks work with the Wall Street Journal?
Rosenzweig: I don't remember that one. They've worked with The Guardian.
Judge Crotty: What voice were your using? Your loud voice or your--
Laughter in the courtroom.
Judge Crotty: If you were talking about confidential information, I'd go another way. But you've made your record.
Jury comes in. Cross examination continues.
Rosenzweig: We spoke about it. I must have sent an email.
Shroff: And you put the Wikileaks logo on your demonstrative?
Rosenzweig: That is correct.
Rosenzweig: I don't understand.
Shroff: Have you ever spoke to anyone in the Anonymous hackers collective?
Rosenzweig: I have.
Shroff: Did they tell you how to do this demonstrative?
Rosenzweig: No.
Rosenzweig: $400 an hour.
Shroff: Who pays for you to stay over in New York?
Rosenzweig: The US Attorney's Office will pay me back.
Shroff: Basically, you looked at Wikileaks--
Rosenzweig: I reviewed other articles.