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OPEN SOURCE REPORT - Chronologically examining the evolution of Manzoor Ahmad alias Manzoor Pashteen using public posts on his personal (authenticated) Facebook profile [Thread]
Disclaimer: There are several individual profiles and pages/groups on Facebook apparently belonging to Manzoor Pashteen. My in-depth examination and content linguistic analysis confirms that the only genuine personal account is: facebook[dot]com[slash]manzoor[dot]mehsud.
To examine content posted by any other profile or account cannot be considered accurate. The following tweets highlight important developments that led to the iconic symbol of 'resistance' we see today.
24 August 2013: Manzoor Pashteen (hereinafter 'Manzoor') posts a photo and tags his friends for comments, ordinary online behaviour, nothing unusual. Most of those tagged are his class-fellows in Gomal University, DI Khan. Source:
25 August 2013: Manzoor posts a photo expressing his dismay at poverty and misery among Muslims in general, nothing unusual. Source:
27 August 2013: Manzoor shares a video posted by Facebook page "Waziristan - The Lion's Den" which shows Pashtuns (purportedly) suffering at the behest of the state. Source: The page is operated by "Ezz Raar (Izrar?) Mahsud".
10 September 2013: Manzoor shares an announcement regarding opening of admissions at Gomal University, DI Khan. Source:
24 September 2013: At midnight (12am PST), Manzoor updates his Facebook bio mentioning he's the 'President' of 'Tribal Students Organisation'. Source:
Indicates Manzoor was fascinated with activism which preoccupied his mind till late at night.
On a lighter note, Manzoor used to play the 'Criminal Case' game on Facebook. Shows his interest in problem-solving and investigations.
14 December 2013: Manzoor re-shares a photo of his younger self shared originally on 30 October 2012 by his friend in Gomal University, DI Khan. Source:
Apparently taken in a dorm room.
The same day, Manzoor re-shares another photo, this time featuring his class-fellow in Gomal University, DI Khan. Source:
Apparently he was missing this particular friend a lot.
27 February 2014: Manzoor shares a video originally posted on 31 January 2014 by Facebook page "Shyreen waziristan" (sic). Shows tribal area children who are purportedly victims of collateral damage. Source:
Page operated by Abdul Rauf and Yaqoob Mahsud.
22 March 2014: Manzoor posts a photo of his (then) younger self, quite likely within the Gomal University premises. Source:
5 April 2014: Manzoor shares a vocational education advert originally posted on the Facebook page "Tribal News Organisation". Source: Recall earlier (24 September 2013) when he announced himself as this forum's 'President'.
27 April 2014: Manzoor shares a video decrying US military atrocities against Muslims posted by a Facebook page "Armaanai Dunyagai". Source:
Page is operated by an Afghan national using an Egyptian cell number.
24 May 2014: Manzoor shares another post by Facebook page "Shyreen waziristan" (sic) which shows children killed in North Waziristan drone strikes. Source: Ironically, at the time, these strikes were praised/defended by his comrade Mohsin Dawar.
24 May 2014: Manzoor shares another photo posted by Facebook page "Shyreen waziristan" (sic) which shows photo of deceased children. Caption by the page claims they were 'massacred by Pakistan Army', without sharing any substantiated evidence. Source:
25 September 2014: Manzoor solicits flag designs from his friends for collective representation of "tribal pashteen". He confirms his designation as President of Tribal Students Organisation in Gomal University. Source:
A few minutes later, Manzoor re-posts the content but this time, he tags certain friends. Among them are Ali Wazir (authenticated personal FB profile) and Sailab Mahsud, the VoA correspondent who would later introduce Manzoor to the world. Source:
14 October 2014: Manzoor shares his personal philosophy with the world. Source:
2 November 2014: Manzoor shares a video report by Mashaal Radio (US Agency for Global Media/ State Department) on the release of Professor Ajmal Khan (kidnapped by Taliban). Source:
5 November 2014: Manzoor shares a post by Facebook page "Justice for FATA-Tribals" accusing Pakistan Army of 'extrajudicial killings'. Source: Page is operated by Hayat Mehsud alias Hayat Preghal.
Manzoor's comments underneath the post reveal interesting facets about his beliefs at the time. See attached.
One of the comments shows Manzoor expressing his severe resentment for Pakistan, he vows to "attain liberation". Interestingly, responding to someone, he refers to Pakistan Army as "tumhara fawj" (YOUR army). Intense dissociation.
Manzoor claims that 'Punjabis' were responsible for destroying tribal areas and expressed resentment at the perceived ethnic discrimination against Pashtuns.
29 November 2014: Manzoor shares a screenshot of his appearance on PTV News programme 'Hum Bhi Pakistan' Ep 8 (23 November 2014). Source: Video link:
17 December 2014: A day after the tragic APS Peshawar incident, Manzoor shares a conspiracy theory against Pakistan Army written by "Iqbal Afridi" for Facebook page "Justice for FATA-Tribals". Source: Obviously influenced by the writer's twisted reasoning.
3 January 2015: Manzoor claims that Pakistan Army abducted an 8-year old kid named 'Usama' from Chagmalai area of SWA. He prays against the 'evil' of Taliban and Pakistan Army. Almost all tagged people are journalists in tribal areas. Source:
22 January 2015: Manzoor shares a meme about exam-related stress based on the Indian movie 'pk'. Source: Apparently indicates he was worried about his curricular performance.
4 February 2015: Manzoor updates his cover photo showing several currently-active members of PTM. Source:
18 February 2015: Manzoor shares a news clipping about student protests at Gomal University (apparently) regarding fees. He clarifies to a friend he led these protests to bring attention on 'issues' pertaining to his Veterinary Department. Source:
6 March 2015: Manzoor shares another post by Facebook page "Justice for FATA-Tribals" which accuses Pakistan Army of 'targeting' its own people. Source:
13 March 2015: Manzoor uploads a video (no branding) decrying alleged Pakistan Army 'atrocities' in tribal areas. Source:
16 March 2015: Manzoor shares a clipping about abduction and killing of tribals posted by Facebook page "Justice for FATA-Tribals". Source:
21 March 2015: Manzoor decries lack of attention to the poor by national leaders. Source:
22 March 2015: Manzoor shares a revolutionary rebellious poem to express his defiance against perceived 'aggressors'. Among those he 'tags' is Ali Wazir (authenticated personal FB profile). Source:
26 March 2015: Manzoor calls for unity among Pashtuns to address their concerns. Among those he tags are Ali Wazir and Adnan Bitani (a rabid anti-Pakistan propagandist working for VoA Deewa/ State Department). Source: Bitani is a regular PTM promoter.
26 March 2015: Manzoor posts an audio message in video about his 'rebellion'. In a comment below the post, he declares rebellion against the Taliban, Pakistan Army, 'agencies' including the Parliament. Source:
3 April 2015: Manzoor shares a speech of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and tags Ali Wazir, among others. Agrees with comments by a Baloch separatist who calls Pakistan "Pokistan" and labels Quaid-e-Azam "a british agent". Source:
6 April 2015: Manzoor shares a photo of his (then) younger self. Source:
14 April 2015: Manzoor posts a previously-unseen photo from 2014. Source:
18 April 2015: Manzoor shares the link to his interview with VoA Deewa (US State Department). Source: Link to interview:
23 April 2015: A few days after his interview to VoA Deewa, Manzoor refers to himself (for the first time, publicly) as "Manzoor Ahmad Qabayili Pashteen". Source:
24 April 2015: Manzoor signs and urges his friends to also sign an online petition addressed to President Xi of China against changes in western route of CPEC which would purportedly benefit Punjab. Source:
27 April 2015: Manzoor shares a video showing a Palestinian being humiliated by the IDF and claims he faced worst treatment at the hands of Pakistan Army. Source:
13 May 2015: Manzoor updates fellow Gomal University students about scholarship-related news (student activism). Source:
23 May 2015: Manzoor posts a student activist update on his profile with the copy of a letter bearing a new name "MTM" (Muttahida Talba Mahaaz) or 'United Students Front'. Source:
25 May 2015: Manzoor presents Muttahida Talba Mahaaz as the voice of students in Gomal University. Source:
28 May 2015: Manzoor posts a nostalgic photo of him with his class-fellows in Gomal University from their first semester. Source:
7 September 2015: Manzoor shares a video from Facebook page of "Tribal Students Organisation" which includes a banner of "Manzoor Ahmad Qabaiyili Pashteen" speaking up for Pashtuns. Source:
9 September 2015: Manzoor shares another post incriminating Pakistan Army for alleged extrajudicial killings. Source:
18 September 2015: Manzoor condemns alleged 'terrorism' by Pakistan Army and announces plans for a mass protest in front of GHQ. Source:
18 September 2015: Manzoor shares a propaganda piece against Pakistan Army by Mashaal Radio (US State Department). Source: Report link:
19 September 2015: Manzoor announces first political meeting at Irfan Park in Tank, DI Khan to discuss a long march to GHQ. Calls upon all Mehsuds to join. Among those tagged are Dr Said Alam Mahsud and current/ former ANP and PkMAP activists. Source:
20 September 2015: Manzoor is pleased with the outcome of his first political gathering at Irfan Park. He further decries ongoing curfew in SWA. Source: This was Manzoor's first reported ground activism for a 'socio-political' cause.
On the same date, Manzoor announces shifting his political movement within Gomal University premises. Among those he tags is Dr Said Alam Mahsud (formerly of PkMAP and founder of anti-CPEC 'PUT'). Source: Said Alam is current political big-wig of PTM.
21 September 2015: Manzoor shares detail of further political plans. Source:
22 September 2015: Manzoor participated in a jirga led by Mehsud tribal elders. Source:
11 October 2015: Manzoor shares a propaganda image against Pakistan Army. Source:
12 October 2015: Meanwhile, alongside political activities, Manzoor sets up an orientation camp for new tribal students under the banner of Tribal Students Organisation. Source:
13 October 2015: Manzoor gives his first address before the Mehsud jirga in Tank. Video uploaded by his comrade and university fellow Dr Hafiz Amjad. Source:
5 December 2015: Manzoor decries 'destruction' of FATA at the cost of 'construction' for Punjab. Source: Inherent sense of socio-economic deprivation and resentment.
10 December 2015: Manzoor posts a new profile photo of himself delivering a speech at Gomal University, DI Khan. Source:
16 December 2015: Manzoor posts an image in tribute of APS incident using pen name "Qabayili Pashteen". He posts it in a Facebook group "Pashtun Tahafuz Movement PTM". Source:
This Facebook group was created on 8 November 2014 by Manzoor himself, originally named "Maseed Tahaffuz Movement" (Sep 2017) and ultimately 'PTM' in Apr 2018.
16 December 2015: Manzoor announces a procession from City Campus (Gomal University) to DI Khan Press Club against Pakistan Army operations. Source:
17 December 2015: Manzoor says that tribal areas' survival rests upon the destruction of Punjab. Source:
26 December 2015: Manzoor takes a break from studies/activism and goes to Nathiagali and Murree for a retreat (likely with close friends or the university's trip). Source:
2 January 2016: "Manzoor Ahmad" is featured on Waziristan Times Web TV as President of 'Tribal Students Gomal University' by his friend Hayat Mehsud alias Hayat Preghal alias 'Hayatosky Maseedov'. Source:
2 January 2016: Manzoor shares a post by Facebook page "Justice for FATA-Tribals" which implicates Pakistan Army Operation Rah-e-Najaat as the 'cause of destruction' in Makeen Baazaar. Source:
2 January 2016: Manzoor shares a post by Facebook page "Justice for FATA-Tribals" which implicates Pakistan Army Operation Rah-e-Najaat as the 'cause of destruction' in Makeen Baazaar. Source:
4 January 2016: Manzoor shares he was shortlisted for a job interview but he and other 'meritorious' candidates were sidelined for political favourites by a JUI leader and PA of SWA. Shares resentment. Source:
17 January 2016: Manzoor decries the deaths of children purportedly caused by IEDs planted by Pakistan Army. Source:
18 January 2016: Manzoor shares the story of a young girl who was purportedly paralysed by a military-planted IED. He does not share evidence of his claims. Source:
19 January 2016: Manzoor shares that his journalist friends including Sailab Mahsud (VoA) and Ishtiaq Mahsud (Mashaal Radio) made efforts to compensate the father of an affected girl in SWA. Source:
19 January 2016: Manzoor shares a video report on the affected girl prepared by his friend and award-winning journalist Sailab Mahsud of VoA (US State Department). Source:
20 January 2016: Manzoor informs his friends about the attack on Bacha Khan University and suggests it has something to do with Pashtuns' demand for equal stakes in CPEC routes. Source:
21 January 2016: Manzoor shares/endorses a conspiracy theory by Mehfood Jaz which implies that terrorist attacks in against Pashtuns are allegedly perpetrated by the state to divert attention from CPEC. Source:
25 January 2016: Manzoor expresses agony at the proclaimed mistreatment and mishandling of IDPs. Source:
26 January 2016: Manzoor shares a tribute video for victims of Bacha Khan university attack recorded by Muhammad Sadiq Zharak, Chairperson of Pashto Language Dept at University of Loralai. Source:
27 January 2016: Manzoor shares a photo of himself delivering a talk at Polytechnical College in DI Khan. Source:
6 February 2016: Manzoor shares an announcement by Afghan profile "Gurvick Khan Wazir" which claims Waziristan IDPs will get scholarship in Kabul. Source:
20 February 2016: Manzoor shares a group photo with friends including class-fellow and comrade Idees Khan alias Idrees Pashteen. Source:
23 February 2016: Manzoor suggests the military's purported one-sided reporting from warzones in Waziristan presented innocent children as 'terrorists'. Source: Doesn't specify any examples though.
24 February 2016: Manzoor shares that students who protested for their cause were expelled by Gomal University's management. He tells a friend that only 'pressure' would coerce them into accepting their demands. Source: Note: This is before PTM emerged.
29 February 2016: Manzoor claims that a relative of his friend in Karachi was allegedly abducted-for-ransom by unnamed 'agencies'. He says the abducted was 'innocent'. Source:
9 March 2016: Manzoor shares a quote by the revolutionary Marxist activist Ernesto "Che" Guevara. Source:
10 March 2016: Manzoor claims another tribal citizen was abducted-for-ransom (allegedly) by 'agencies' in Karachi. Source:
23 March 2016: Manzoor shares his understanding of 'revolution'. Source:
30 March 2016: In apparent nostalgia, Manzoor shares his Grade 6 School ID card photo. Source:
1 April 2016: Manzoor shares/endorses a sarcastic post by army critic Shah Khalid Muhammad mocking Rangers operation against Punjab-based terrorists. He reveals he created a platform to unite like-minded thinkers. Source:
16 April 2016: Manzoor reveals 'Mahsud Tahaffuz Movement' (MTM). Source:
15 May 2016: Manzoor mobilises comrades against alleged mistreatment by military persons. Source:
15 May 2016: Manzoor reveals that a movement to protect tribal culture (against army) would be led by VoA journalist Sailab Mahsud, receiving pledges from Ali Wazir also. Source:
17 May 2016: Manzoor shares details of another meeting to protest perceived insult of tribals by army. Source:
17 May 2016: Manzoor shares photos from the meeting. Ali Wazir can be seen (refer to previous tweet for context). Source:
19 May 2016: Manzoor shares details about mobilising people against purported disrespect of tribal culture by army. Source:
21 May 2016: Manzoor announces participants of protest against perceived disrespect of tribal culture will get free transportation and all costs will be borne by one 'Afser Khan Mehsud' and his comrades. Source:
22 May 2016: Manzoor shares glimpses of the protest in DI Khan. Source:
24 May 2016: Manzoor announces a meeting at Haq Nawaz Park, DI Khan against alleged extrajudicial killings and torture by Pakistan Army. Source:
26 May 2016: Manzoor posts further criticism of Pakistan Army. Source:
28 May 2016: Manzoor shares a post accusing Pakistan Army of looting IDPs' personal belongings and valuables. Source:
29 May 2016: Manzoor shares a derogatory video mocking the national anthem of Pakistan, originally posted by Anwar Ali of ANP. Source:
30 May 2016: Manzoor shares an anti-army propaganda video produced by his buddy Adnan Bitani of VoA Deewa (US State Department). Source:
31 May 2016: Manzoor shares an interview of Hamid Karzai to BBC Pashto, says he learned "some positive ideas". Source:
6 June 2016: Manzoor visits Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad. Source:
30 July 2016: Manzoor shares a propaganda video by VoA Deewa prepared by Mian Farooq Firaaq. Source:
14 August 2016: Manzoor shares a propaganda video by VoA Deewa (US State Department). Source:
28 September 2016: Manzoor calls a meeting at Haq Nawaz Park, DI Khan on behalf of Mahsud Tahaffuz Movement (MTM). Source:
3 October 2016: Manzoor calls a meeting of tribal businessmen who are affected by military operations. Source:
4 October 2016: Manzoor shares photos of tribals meeting and agreeing to cease cooperation with military persons during ongoing operations. Source:
19 October 2016: Manzoor calls another meeting of MTM for 20th October. Source:
20 October 2016: Manzoor praises Muhammad Zubair Mehsud (current PTM ideologue and former UoP lecturer) for defending drone strikes. Source: Link:
Underneath the post, Manzoor tells his friend that 'Pakistani jets' and not 'drones' killed innocent civilians. He vociferously defends drone strikes by the US. The arguments he presents are all unsubstantiated.
25 October 2016: Manzoor calls a meeting for protests on behalf of MTM. Source:
31 October 2016: In apparent self-glorification, Manzoor shares a photo from 2014 with a 'glow effect'. Source:
12 November 2016: Manzoor invites people to like the Facebook page of MTM. Source:
13 November 2016: Manzoor thanks Abid Mehsud, Nizamuddin Mehsud and Abdul Waheed Mehsud (then senior leader of PTI Karachi) for financial aid in support of his 'cause'. Source:
24 December 2016: Manzoor shares a propaganda video on Waziristan by Mashaal Radio (US State Department). Source:
31 December 2016: Before the eve of New Year (2017), Manzoor announces his departure from Tribal Students Organisation. Source:
7 January 2017: Manzoor announces a meeting of MTM at Haqnawaz Park, DI Khan for the next day. Source:
10 January 2017: Manzoor says he was dragged in courts for a whole year (evidently throughout 2016) by the judicial system, likely on account of his activism in university. Source:
20 January 2017: Manzoor announces an MTM meeting at Haqnawaz Park, DI Khan for 22nd January. Source:
22 January 2017: Manzoor announces a 'peace convention' for Mehsud tribals on behalf of MTM in DI Khan. Source:
10 February 2017: Manzoor posts a propaganda post alongwith image and tags several of his comrades including Dr Said Alam Mahsud. He claims to have 'proof' of alleged atrocities by Pakistan Army. Source:
17 February 2017: Manzoor announces an MTM meeting for the next day at Haqnawaz Park, DI Khan. Source:
19 February 2017: Manzoor shares a report by Dawn which quotes former army chief General (retired) Pervez Musharraf claiming that ISI cultivated the Taliban. Source:
20 February 2017: Manzoor shares a racist post by Facebook page "Pakistan Affairs" which generalises Pashtuns as 'suspicious'. He resents the post. Source:
20 February 2017: Manzoor shares a post by Facebook page "Justice For Pashtoon" claiming tribals were discriminated against by military persons. Source: Page was created just a day prior (19 Feb), indicating Manzoor knows the page admin, might be himself.
12 March 2017: Manzoor checks-in for a meeting at G-9 Islamabad and, in one of the comments underneath, mentions Islamic International University Islamabad (IIUI). Source:
13 March 2017: Manzoor calls a meeting to discuss census-related issues at Haqnawaz Park, DI Khan the next day, requests attendance by all Waziri tribals (not just Mehsuds). Source:
16 March 2017: Manzoor posts his first live video using his personal profile and clarifies details regarding census-related meeting. He says, now, that the grand jirga is for Mehsuds (only). Source:
25 March 2017: Manzoor says an IED allegedly planted by Pakistan Army caused physical damage to his village school teacher. He reveals being in coordination with Hayat (Hayat Mehsud alias Hayat Preghal). Source:
9 April 2017: Manzoor claims that a lady died while waiting for registration at an army checkpost in Khargai. He decries perceived mistreatment of tribals at these checkposts. Source:
9 April 2017: Manzoor claims a tribal citizen Qalat Khan Mehsud was severely injured by a wild boar. He goes on to equate this incident with Pakistan Army's alleged extrajudicial killings and activities of 'non-uniformed forces'. Source:
10 April 2017: Manzoor says he finds no difference between Torkham Gate (to screen Afghans) and Khargai Gate (to screen tribals). Source:
10 April 2017: Manzoor shares a sarcastic open letter to General Qamar Javed Bajwa originally written by his friend 'Warkh Dang' in which he broadly complains about purported mistreatment of tribals at army checkposts. Source:
10 April 2017: Manzoor calls an MTM meeting for the next day at Haqnawaz Park, DI Khan to discuss the issue of screening at Khargai checkpost. Source:
12 April 2017: Manzoor posts a video of himself sharing details of the meeting on Khargai checkpost (held on 11th April). Source:
14 April 2017: Manzoor decries that IDPs are made to sign a form by the military in which they have to guarantee they don't have any weapons, ordnance and ammo etc. Source:
27 April 2017: Manzoor shares his audio interview to Sailab Mahsud of VoA/Mashaal Radio, who happens to be his long-time acquaintance. Sailab refers to him as "Manzoor Mehsud" in the audio. Source:
29 April 2017: Manzoor shares a video by "mashar" ("leader") Dr Said Alam Mahsud in which he urges community members to participate in a programme to layout their political agenda. Source:
6 May 2017: Manzoor claims that a 13-year old resident of SWA named Umar Din was injured by an IED purportedly planted by Pakistan Army. Source:
9 July 2017: Manzoor shares a photo with his friend in Ladha, SWA. Source:
15 July 2017: Manzoor reports about an alleged attack on his friend and VoA Deewa reporter Adnan Bitani's home. He claims that the army and police both are 'more oppressive than thieves'. Source:
17 July 2017: Manzoor alleges that his friend Khan Muhammad was abducted by Pakistan Army. Source:
22 July 2017: Manzoor shares a news report which claims that the then federal government (PML-N) diverted funds meant for TDPs toward CPEC projects. He deeply resents the lack of priority for communal development. Source:
22 July 2017: Manzoor shares a propaganda report by his friend Adnan Bitani for VoA Deewa which claims that money meant for TDPs was allegedly diverted to purchase aircraft from China. Source: Report:
28 July 2017: Manzoor resents purported mistreatment of tribal area citizens at Khargai checkpost manned by the army. Source:
29 July 2019: Manzoor posts a video of himself about a judicial committee to probe mistreatment of tribal area citizens. Source:
29 July 2017: Manzoor announces he will be taken live on-air by Facebook page 'The Pashtun Times'. Source: The page and its website are operated by Aurangzeb Khan, former ANP activist and PSF Punjab President.
30 July 2017: Manzoor visits QAU Islamabad. Source:
31 July 2017: Manzoor visits Murree for a retreat and shares a group selfie captured by his university-fellow and PTM activist Idrees Khan alias Idrees Pashteen. Source:
11 August 2017: Manzoor participates in a 'FATA reforms rally' held in Islamabad under the patronage of All Fata Students Forum and broadcasts the video live on his personal profile. Source:
15 August 2017: Manzoor announces an MTM meeting for the next day to discuss the issue of landmines. It is geo-marked 'Wanhar' (Punjab) which indicates he was travelling when he posted this. Source:
16 August 2017: Manzoor jokes with his friend Hayat Mehsud alias Hayat Preghal about ethnic Punjabi students being beaten. Source:
16 August 2017: Manzoor resents perceived injustice against FATA residents in the census. Source:
16 August 2017: Manzoor shares his interview to Waziristan Times, a platform whose admins include Farooq Mahsud, reporter for Aaj News. Source:
17 August 2017: Manzoor announces a meeting to discuss issue of landmines at Irfan Park, Tank, DI Khan for the next day. Source:
20 August 2017: Manzoor's meeting at Irfan Park is covered by Mashaal Radio (US State Department). In the report, he is mentioned as "Manzoor Ahmad", a "young man from South Waziristan". Source: Link:
23 August 2017: Manzoor participates in an international conference on 'Pakistan-Afghanistan Politics on Borderland' organised by University of Peshawar's Political Science Dept with Hanns Seidel Foundation in Islamabad. Source:
23 August 2017: Manzoor posts a video of JUI-F leader Hafiz Hamdullah grilling then Interior Minister Ch Nisar Ali Khan on APS attack. He says Hafiz Hamdullah will never get any responses from concerned quarters. Source:
25 August 2017: Manzoor announces a meeting to discuss issue of landmines in the Law College City Campus Faculty, DI Khan for the next day. Source:
26 August 2017: Manzoor posts a propaganda account of alleged army atrocities on residents of Shamkai area in SWA. Source:
26 August 2019: Manzoor shares a video in praise of PkMAP leader Mehmood Khan Achakzai. It is shared from a Facebook page "Sar warkawam Sangar na warkawam" operated by a PkMAP activist. Source:
26 August 2017: Manzoor shares a video about a meeting to discuss mines in the near future. VoA/Mashaal Radio reporter Sailab Mahsud participates in the proceedings as an activist and engages in political activities regarding rally plans etc. Source:
27 August 2017: Manzoor calls a jirga at PA Compound, Tank, DI Khan to discuss purported detention of tribal area citizens by army. Source:
29 August 2017: Manzoor resents census findings on FATA. Source:
29 August 2017: Manzoor participates in an anti-army demo against perceived persecution of Mehsuds. Source:
29 August 2017: Manzoor shares an update that a lady was allegedly killed by army gunfire in SWA. Source:
30 August 2017: Manzoor's long-time friend Adnan Bitani (VoA Deewa) gives him spotlight in a propaganda video directed against the Pakistan Army. Source: Link:
8 September 2017: Manzoor indicates he and his comrades were briefly apprehended, then released. Source:
9 September 2017: Facebook issues a reminder to Manzoor that he has a 3-year friendship (at least online) with Dr Said Alam Mahsud, indicating they were connected since 2014. Source:
12 September 2017: Manzoor announces a meeting at Haqnawaz Park, DI Khan. Agenda undisclosed. Source:
12 September 2017: Manzoor posts a video with comrades regarding an upcoming jirga (14th September) at PA Compound, Tank, DI Khan. Source:
15 September 2017: Manzoor condemns the alleged abduction of his friend Sher Aman Ullah Wazir alias Lawangeen Khan Wazir. Source:
16 September 2017: Manzoor shares a video package by AVT Khyber on the 14 September jirga. Source:
19 September 2017: Manzoor live-streams a video of an individual Habib Ullah purportedly injured by an IED. Source:
20 September 2017: Manzoor shares images purporting to show casualties/ injuries of mines allegedly planted by Pakistan Army. Originally posted by Facebook page of MTM. Source:
21 September 2017: Manzoor announces a meeting at Haqnawaz Park, DI Khan with 'higher authorities' to discuss problems affecting Mehsuds. Source:
23 September 2017: Manzoor posts a colleage showing victims purportedly affected by IEDs planted by Pakistan Army and the Taliban. Source:
24 September 2017: Manzoor gets interviewed again by his friend Adnan Bitani of VoA Deewa (US State Department). Source:
This is the first instance (at least as far as open sources are concerned) that Manzoor is seen donning the iconic 'mazari' cap, now a symbol of his 'Pashteen' identity.
24 September 2017: Manzoor shares a photo with friends wearing the mazari cap, originally posted by his friend and comrade Abdullah Nangyal. Ali Wazir (now an MNA) can be seen seated beside him. Photo is geo-marked in DI Khan. Source:
2 October 2017: Manzoor shares the frame with his grandfather Ali Khan Mehsud. Source:
3 October 2017: Manzoor live-streams from his personal account and vows to uphold his activism. Source:
5 October 2017: Manzoor edits and shares specific clips of Lt Gen (Retired) Abdul Qadir Baloch who apparently claims Waziristan was turned into a 'nursery of terrorism' for 'strategic depth' in Afghanistan. Source: Shows Manzoor's video-editing skills.
5 October 2017: Manzoor posts a photo in DI Khan with friends, taken by Alamzaib Khan Mahsud. The latter was a member of PTI's campaign in SWA back in 2014. Source 1: Source 2:
6 October 2017: Manzoor congratulates his 'dear' friend Mohabat Khan Mahsud for qualifying in the CSS Exams (16th overall). Mohabat is presently UT in CSA, Lahore, joined Inland Revenue Service. Source: Mohabat carves out his own positive journey, evident.
6 October 2017: Manzoor announces an MTM meeting at Haqnawaz Park, DI Khan. Agenda undisclosed. Source:
16 October 2017: Manzoor enjoys lunch at Afghan Shinwari restaurant. Source:
16 October 2017: Manzoor checks-in at Peshawar University and shares a sepia photo of himself, similar to Ernesto "Che" Guevara. Source:
19 October 2017: Manzoor posts a creatively-edited video featuring animated text on 'Mahsud Youth Struggle' and clips of his different interviews to VoA Deewa reporter/friend Adnan Bitani. Source:
2 November 2017: Manzoor shares a photo of himself atop a tall rock in Chagmalai, SWA (actually dated 22 October 2017). Source:
4 November 2017: Manzoor live-streams the video of Abdul Ghafoor Mehsud whose son Zar Khan was purportedly tortured to death by the army. Source:
7 November 2017: Manzoor calls a meeting at Haqnawaz Park, DI Khan against purported forced expulsion of residents from Bobarh, SWA to Bakakhel Camp. Source:
9 November 2017: Manzoor uploads (not shares) a propaganda report by VoA. Source:
11 November 2017: Manzoor visits Bakakhel IDPs Camp with his friends Ellahuddin and Alamzaib Khan. Source:
11 November 2017: Manzoor posts photos of his visit to Bakakhel IDPs Camp standing beside tribal elders. He reveals the visit is part of an MTM entourage. Source:
12 November 2017: Manzoor announces a meeting at Haqnawaz Park, DI Khan the next day to discuss the plight of Mehsud IDPs in Bakakhel Camp. Source:
14 November 2017: Manzoor uploads (not shares) his on-air interview to VoA Deewa featuring the host Adnan Rasheed and analyst Pir Zubair Shah. Source: Topic: Landmines.
15 November 2017: Manzoor urges fellow Mehsud tribes-people to accommodate returning IDPs from Bakakhel Camp. Source:
15 November 2017: Manzoor shares the mission and history of MTM. He pays special gratitude to Haji Malik Saeed Anwar Mehsood. The latter was an electoral candidate for JUI-F. Source:
15 November 2017: Manzoor is featured as "Manzoor Ahmad Pashteen" for the English-speaking world in a report by Gandhara of RFE/RL (US State Department). Source: Reported by Umar Daraz Wazir and Abubakar Siddique. Link:…
This is the first instance when English-language readers are introduced to Manzoor as "Pashteen".
15 November 2017: Manzoor announces a meeting at Haqnawaz Park, DI Khan the next day. Agenda undisclosed. Source:
18 November 2017: Manzoor comes live for a video on his personal profile. Source: Mazari cap is worn.
24 November 2017: Manzoor uploads a profile photo with the frame 'I Stand With MTM' originally developed by his friend Abdul Waheed Mehsood alias Abdul Waheed Pashteen. Source:
24 November 2017: Manzoor and MTM are featured on the website of Punjab Lok Sujag in a report by Abdul Rauf Yousufzai. Source: Link:…
26 November 2017: Manzoor calls an MTM meeting at Haqnawaz Park, DI Khan. Agenda undisclosed. Source:
26 November 2017: Manzoor expresses his resentment at, and frustration toward, the COAS. Source:
26 November 2017: Manzoor announces an MTM get-together for tommorrow at Haqnawaz Park, DI Khan with (previously imprisoned) Levies soldier Tahir alias Toor. Source:
30 November 2017: Manzoor checks-in at Peshawar. Source:
30 November 2017: MTM distributes items purportedly worth Rs 119,580/- among 50 needy families at Fateh Morh. Source:
1 December 2017: Manzoor expresses grief over the attack on Agriculture University Peshawar and requests prayers for the victims and KPK Police. He urges political forces to help Pashtuns get out of their misery. Source:
2 December 2017: Manzoor addresses a rally decrying terrorism in educational institutions. Source:
2 December 2017: Manzoor announces an MTM meeting tomorrow at Haqnawaz Park, DI Khan to discuss IDPs, mineral resources of Waziristan and other issues. Source:
4 December 2017: Manzoor requests his followers to share with him contact numbers of social activists and youth leaders in NWA and FR Bannu. Source:
5 December 2017: Manzoor shares details of his charitable activities under the MTM banner for IDP camps in Tank Dayal. Source:
7 December 2017: Manzoor is taken on-air by Voa Deewa featuring host Nosherwan Qalandar and analyst Pir Zubair Shah. Source: He discusses the situation in FATA.
7 December 2017: Manzoor participates in a rally in tribute of those killed in the Mir Ali explosion. Source:
13 December 2017: Manzoor calls an MTM meeting at Haqnawaz Park, DI Khan tomorrow to discuss issue of IDPs, silence of FDMA personnel and other issues. Source:
13 December 2017: Manzoor laments that FATA Youth Jirga members who met COAS focused more on praising them than raising actual issues. Source:
17 December 2017: Manzoor shares a video posted by Facebook page "Pashtun Zalmi" praising Ali Wazir (now MNA). Source: Manzoor refers to MNA Wazir as "Sardar".
18 December 2017: In a phase of nostalgia, Manzoor shares a photo of his childhood. Source:
20 December 2017: Manzoor shares his aspiration for developing schools for girls in the Mehsud tribal belt. Source:
23 December 2017: Manzoor shares details of MTM's charitable activities in Lakki Marwat and Bannu. Source:
24 December 2017: Manzoor posts a message of resentment against Pakistan Army regarding enforced disappearances. Source:
25 December 2017: Manzoor is taken on Facebook Live by his friend Sardar Shahbaz alias Shah Baaz Stouryani. Source: Shahbaz is an ANP activist.
26 December 2017: Manzoor is again taken live by Shah Baaz Stouryani, this time also featuring Dr Said Alam Mahsud (former PkMAP) and Usman Gul Khattak (ANP), among others. Source:
29 December 2017: Manzoor calls a 'very important' MTM meeting at Haqnawaz Park, DI Khan tomorrow. Source:
31 December 2017: Manzoor live-streams an anti-FCR demo by Gomal University students, PkMAP and IJT etc. Source:
31 December 2017: Manzoor shares propaganda against Pakistan Army. Source:
Naqeebullah Mehsud is tragically butchered by Rao Anwar and his associates on 13 January 2018 in Karachi.
1 February 2018: The word "PTM" is first associated with Manzoor in his interview to Naseer Kakar of VoA Deewa (check 1:28, Kakar reading from a script). Source: Link: Manzoor never used this acronym before.
From then on, various national and international publications including Manzoor himself use the "PTM" acronym. It's interesting to note none of Manzoor's personal social media accounts used this label before it was broadcast by VoA (US State Department).
My efforts to compile Manzoor's evolution based on open sources, primarily his personal Facebook account, end here. His subsequent activities through PTM are well known and documented. I will share my personal views/ assessment on these findings later.
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