To attain the highest ROI, ensure to use the right variety, correct seedrate, proper irrigation, nutrition and spraying.
✔️Ref: Onions Traders Panel fb
#KOTLoyals #VijanaTunaumia #DoMoreWithMPESA #Raila #Ruto #ZeroHunger

Seedrate: 1kg
Variety: Neptune, Bombay red, red creole, Bejo
Expected tonnes : 15
Average price per kg: 55Ksh
Invested: 150K - 200K
✔️ These above figures differ from farm to farm
✔️ ROI is left blank intentionally

Land Acquisition
Soil Test
Seeds Acquisition
Nursery Establishment
Nursery Management

The area has to be hot with lots of sunshine and a permanent source of water. Onions need such climate and a lot of water for optimum growth and high yields.
Ensure the acquired land is cleared of all bushes, trees or rocks.
#coronavirus #FridayVibes

This is where you do irrigation systems installation depending on your prefered method.
Drip irrigation cost is approximately 150,000/-
Cc. @IrriHub
Basin Irrigation Cost is: 65,000/-
Drip irrigation has more advantages than flood irrigation.

Soil testing is a very important step when it comes to Onion Production.
@Cropnuts, could you emphasize on how important it is to do a soil test. Please indicate the costs too!
#KOT #FridayThoughts

Take time to understand your region and study the various seeds that can perform well within your region.
Having the right seeds is key to a successful venture.
Visit @Simlaw_Seeds @amiran_kenya @Syngenta for more info about seeds
#AgribusinessTalk254 #KOT

After the establishment, sowing is the next activity. You can either sow in rows or broadcast. Use DAP fertilizer 1 kg and cover with light soil then add mulch. Water immediately after mulching
#KOTLoyals2020 #ZeroHunger

Spraying, weeding and general crop husbandry. Make sure weeding and Spraying is done timely. Avoid spraying weeding herbicides & use hand weeding instead.
A spray program is also recommended at this stage
#kakamegaprimary #KOTLoyals2020