Your relationships are always coarse and rough because you have refused to learn how to solve conflicts.
The root cause of conflicts is a clash of your beliefs, values and norms planted in you by your society.
She has her beliefs too.
1. Latent stage
2. Intent stage
3. Emotional stage
4. Outcome stage
The cause of the conflict is present but ruffles no feathers.
Eg: She doesn't want to cook because she comes home late and believes a man should cook too yet you believe a woman must cook.
You choose to ignore for a while.
The cause of the conflict has become conspicuous and begins to create discomfort.
- You are tired of cooking every evening. You feel she has denigrated your role as a man of the house. You tell her that you won't entertain abdication
Here, lines are drawn. Behaviours begin to manifest.
She wins because women are emotional. You tell her off to her face, she answers back with equal propulsion.
Men who opt to walk out, lose in the end.
Men who stay firm, win in the end.
The result becomes the sum of your testosterone.
She either lives with your rules or walk out.
You either live with her rules and remain miserable.
The latter option is for the weaker man, it leads to violence, depression or suicide.