…an evolving ecosystem where possibilitarians can collaborate
…to create projects leading to artefacts
…so that people can see and feel a future before that future arrives ... 2/
In other words, creating futures and interacting with possible futures to decide collectively if, how and when to go that route. /3
Design Fiction or Near-life Experience (as my friend Jeff Smith, co-founder of Lunar Design, likes to call it) is about-
"Visualising the future", just the way science fiction does but nearer to life.
Visualising a scenario, product or service,
Creating a shared space for conversations,
Telling stories of the near future, using existing capabilities, technologies and resources,
Creating artifacts that users interact with to see & “experience” the future.
“The future is already here – it's just not evenly distributed. The Economist, December 4, 2003”. ― William Gibson
There is no such thing as THE future, so let's create one.
@darthjulian @meetamalhotra @TheHardCopyCo @ideafarms