With this video and uproar over social media, a certain second degree manslaughter! 4-10 years in prison.
The parents will pay at least ten millions to get him off hook.
Only with money they will learn ANY LIFE MATTERS in this land!
这个案子检察官不会放过他们 已经有案例了 请查看2019/7/4 两位Arcadia小留学生(高中生)在San Marino赛车 一名大学老师和他的爱狗正在中间绿地慢跑 一辆跑车失控 撞向他和爱狗 瞬间人狗亡! 这次这几个还是成年人 一定能告成!太冤啦 出来兜个风 碰到留学生就丧命!

I put the resource here to assist the family in getting the maximum compensation even though the grief has no price tag. 🙁 sorry
This is what happened. @LAPDHQ
The following is wechat msg talking about how to get away with it.
They think they would only stay in the station for one night, for killing an innocent person?!
Some family lost a son, husband or father!
一个家庭因此突然失去了儿子,父亲, 丈夫或兄弟!
忏悔吧 别耍滑头!
命案在身 就伏法吧!