If you believe this...you haven’t even begun to understand the scandal or the problem the UK now faces.
A thread.
The narrative is - “nerdy bloke too silly to delete some youthful long forgotten dodgy posts on race & women got caught”.
It’s a story we know well.
Who didn’t say silly things when they were young?
Problem is that’s not the story.
Cummings hired Sabisky for a reason.
The reason Cummings hired Sabisky is that he shares Sabisky’s views.
How do I know?
Cause of what Cummings himself wrote & Sabiskky’s recent - not youthful - writings.
In his 237 page long “Odysseen Project” Cummings makes it quite clear only a small set of superior children are able to grasp Cummings ideas on “integrative thinking”.
This would involve an elite of society trained for power & “action” - who can see/intuit the “crude whole”.
Now we come to Sabisky.
His self-declared area of “interest” now - not teenage - is “individual & group differences in intelligence & personality”. (His words not mine from his biography on ResearchED site).
You don’t need a 237 page opus to tell you where this is leading...
So we have a self declared maverick, who wants to operate outside of established norms announcing he would specifically seek out a cadre of like-minded to carry out his project that only a few are genetically capable of grasping.
The scandal here isn’t Sabisky
It’s Cummings.
Now we come to Eugenics.
Again Cummings & Sabisky are both obsessed by genetics. The problem is Cummings 237 page opus is a bit like reading the Unabomber manifesto - you tend to faze out after 10 pages.
But if you don’t read it you won’t get how much is devoted to this.
Whatever your views on EU we can all agree that the mythical national “Selbstbild” has played a huge role in selling Brexit.
Deportations & delineations between us & them has massively increased.
& now into this mix a genetically obsessed elitist hires people like Sabisky..
So please forgive me if I get annoyed when people bang on about its “just another dead cat”.
It’s not.
It’s time to call this out for what it is.
It’s trial balloons for fascism.
People who know my threads know I try to get them out early - even as the news is still breaking - so can be a bit ad hoc/unfinished.
I hesistated over this one as I’m still working on some info on some associates of Sabisky & Cummings.
All additional info welcome.
Now got confirmation Andrew Sabisky not the only “strange” young recruit, with worrying background, of Cummings in recent weeks.
In addition, Civil service concerned that some of these “super forecasters” incl Sabisky - given access to Defence ministry information.
There’s a lot more still come on this story
A question for the experts:
Is this actually a genuine scientific area of study nowadays?
It now seems that one of the reasons some ministers began privately briefing against Dominic Cummings is that HE was trying to impose HIS own hand picked SPADs within ministries with access to ministerial information.
I’ve now got confirmation of some earlier info.
It now seems Sabisky’s contact with Richard Lynn, Michael Woolley & Nyborg greater than previously publicised & that meetings Sabisky attended in Whitehall involved not just Defence but also Health & Immigration.
Dominic Cummings has taken control of UK govt special advisors cadres.
Advisors now report directly to Cummings on weekly, sometimes daily, basis. Over the top of ministerial control.
Advisors deemed “too close” to individual ministers are moved on or fired.