Ironically we have not learn't any lessons from the school
But from 2010 student no slowly declined, maybe because:
a. Building work disruption
b. School leadership
c. Below average attendance by students of Bangladeshi origin
But not sure as at no point did we try & understand the history
Governing body kicked out, new governing body appointed by TH Council & Diocese of London
It included Tower Hamlets Council school improvement officers!
Most schools failed by OFSTED recover
This did not, October 2017 OFSTED fail again
It was also never discussed by O&S C'tee, why did a school under almost direct control of the Council fail OFSTED again?
TH Council do not mention this either unless pushed
Pupil numbers continue ⬇️
So at C'tee last night you had irony of Cllr Pierce wanting blame to be attached to those who ran the school, TH Council & the Diocese ran the school
Council officers were not there to provide balanced information but to defend Council decisions
I had to attend an important Pensions meeting last night
Where were they in all of this?
Mayoral system does not work if Councillors do not do their job of holding the administration to account
It should not be up to me to understand their own school
April rescind this & start process of closing school
Decision was supposed to go to Cabinet for a decision but withdrawn a week before
So by the time there was a proper public debate months had passed
But decision had been made in secret & without parental involvement around April 19 to close the school
It put parents in awful predicament, stay & fight or apply to another school before other parents did (knowing some schools full)
+ from September 2022 opening new secondary school to cost circa £50 million at Wapping Dock!
What a waste of resources
Why did Council & Diocese fail to turn around the school?
Why did they not involve wider community & stakeholders until AFTER decision made to close school?
Why did Overview & Scrutiny C'tee not look at until far too late?
What is the responsibility of Council officers? to defend their decisions or to enable Councillors to understand decisions?
Who is accountable for school governance post 2015?
No, local Cllrs showed zero interest
What value has Tower Hamlets added to Raines?
We need a different model of school governance