A ok
B clear, bag/maskFiO2
♥️ BP 60/, HR80 Epi drip
D avPu
E punctate skin marks, diaphoresis, ashen skin, L eyelid swell
U - dark ages
L Hb10, WBC6,K 2, Na146, HCO3 12, Lact 2.4-4.5

Psychological sequelae of critical illness are common & important
Dex is not safe in patients on Epi drip & no evidence it can help.
Diaries ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30431494 &
Post-ICU clinics ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25731633
are of limited help

The window until traumatic memories are permanent is narrow suggesting that an early #goldenhour approach is warranted
Also amazing description of shock & ICU experience by @RanaAwdish amazon.com/Shock-Journey-…
New approaches for early goal directed psychological support are funded by @nih_nhlbi
He is infinitely grateful to @MayoClinicEM @AnnieSadostyMD
for being able to tweet and more years after the event..
Dignity & human touch matter in #goldenhour