So we add the known constant u[x(t)] to δu, and that indeed leaves us with u[x(t+δt)].
But why are we allowed to do that?
E(δu) > E(δu’)
for utilities u for one gamble and utilities u’ for another gamble.
But u(δx) is ill-defined without specifying x.
Descriptions of prospect theory often wrongly say that EUT has no reference-level dependence.
An improved EUT decision criterion would be
If u(x) is chosen so that it grows additively over time (unlike x itself), then it is an ergodicity transformation, and E(δu)/δt is the properly defined time-average growth rate of wealth.
Yes, of wealth itself!
utility function
discounting function
probability weighting function
subjective perception of time
value function
moving kinks for losses and gains
It’s both fascinating and deeply disturbing to stumble upon such a complete foundational re-imagining of a centuries-old field of formal human inquiry.