A faculty meeting goes awry when one of the assistant professors calls out a senior male professor for repeating her ideas as if they're his own. A standoff ensues, only to be resolved when another senior male professor offers the same complaint but louder
The gang heads to a conference to interview job candidates in their hotel room. Confusion reigns when they mistake their housekeeper for an applicant. An adjunct at a local college, she makes the final round before their dean cuts the position, saving the day
All the full profs refuse to chair the curriculum committee so it falls on a 5th year associate. She spends a year restructuring the major to improve student outcomes, only to be shot down by her promotion committee chair who doesn't want to update his lecture notes
Fed up with hearing no from the dean, the gang schemes to "accidentally" run into the president outside his luxury box at a football game. They make an impassioned case for a printer on the third floor so they don't have to go up and down stairs all day. He says no
Tired of being told the only worthy career is in academia, a group of grad students plot to meet with a former peer who's gone into industry. Catching wind just in time, the ringleader's advisor fails her prelims and boots her out before she can book a room
In this finale told through a series of flashbacks, the gang looks back on the their time in the department. In a poignant final scene set 20 years in the future, the chair explains the concept of a publicly funded university to her deeply confused granddaughter