Just look around your household and find how the habit of savings is ingrained in us by our ancestors.
Gold that you invest via ETFs us one such
These occasions are opportunities for saving. We have formalised them and say we invest in ETFs etc.
Again every household teaches the child to save
The lady of the house saves for pilgrimages keeping the same kind of habits of deposit in a box to be used once in a year for travel and worship
And top it all. Our families invest in education
2000years ago a saint poet wrote:
கேடில் விழுச்செல்வம் கல்வி ஒருவற்கு மாடல்ல மற்றையவை
This couplet..
So to say tax breaks are important to save is not acceptable.
We can enjoy tax breaks but notwithstanding that we should save.
Don't expect tax concessions for long to encourage savings