*Mahathir resigned - cabinet dissolved & that means delay of all sorts of decisions (including what to do w/ the econ storm brewing)
*Resignation accepted by King & made interim PM until new PM &cabinet formed
*Friday was supposed to be fiscal stimulus unveil day
*Mahathir still PM, but interim, & NO CABINET
*Basically Malaysia is now weathering the economic storm w/ basically a government ineffective (no cabinet)
*New gov' or election, as per Bridge Welsh
*How to form one? Well, need at least 112 so a lot of politicking atm
*Domestic demand, not good, investment & consumption weak
*External demand, grim, given the corona virus hitting major markets like China & key commodities (think oil & gas)
*Supply not great as we got supply chain disruption.
Now non-functioning gov!
It's mostly handouts for tourism sectors & doctors & some repairing & upgrading of infrastructure projects. Delay taxes for some & also lower pension requirement Q2-Q4. So what?
BNM'll cut & growth still slow despite it all. And I still think Malaysia distracted
@natixis @NatixisResearch