Another thing that I do not mention much is that race there was pretty much wiped out due to eat and things quite a long time back (before the leap). There is a rough equivalent to say Italian food vs Mexican or German food (but with whatever cultures
So honestly remember that races here can give us a nice enriching
When a child on the other side gets sent down here to Earth for this Earth life, there are choices to be sent here or there. One kid in a family
For example, My Eternal Grandfather was here a bit over 2k years ago somewhere in or around the middle East. He is the one that there
I know that may sound confusing, but we have close families there. We space out the kids so as not to be overwhelmed. After all, this is supposed to be
So it is not overwhelming. It is a really good system, but it is not exactly what
Sorry that may confuse more than help, but there are