This mythos traces its story from the Greeks (from where Science, Math, Philosophy, Rhetoric, emanate) to the Romans, to the "Dark Ages" to "Enlightenment."
In this mythos, the West is the center of the world, of innovation, of progress. Others are at best a supporting role, a side act. Ancient Egypt , a little math from Arabs (who only "preserved" Greek text).
Never mind that Arabs got a lot of their learning from China and India. And China from India.
An upcoming book from @GarudaPrakashan traces how Hindu math changed the world. Follow that.
2. Worse, when Indians, schooled in that mythos *in India" parrot the Western mythos as universal.
Instead, it is a subservient outhouse of the Western academy, parroting its theories, and looking for crumbs of validation from the West.
Subservience is ingrained in education.
To challenge the narrative, a high quality of scholarship is needed, to engage with West's narrative.
But why blame one political party in India, when the other does the same or worse when it comes to power?
Tentative title: "How Hindu Mathematics changed the World."