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#otd January 31, 1945
While the defeat of #NS-Germany was imminent #otd in 1945 a last deportation transport left #Weimar towards #Theresienstadt. The murder of European Jews remained a key driving force of the Nazi regime to the end.
2/n In mid-January 1945, the Reich Security Main Office ordered “all nationals and stateless Jews living in mixed marriages who were able to work” to be transferred

Weimar central station
3/n in collective transports to the Theresienstadt ghetto “for closed work assignments” by February 15, 1945 if possible.
Helene Schuch from Weimar remembers: “After countless insults and humiliations during the preceding Nazi era, I myself was summoned to the Gestapo on the
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Heute jähren sich zum 84. Mal die #Novemberpogrome. Wir erinnern aus diesem Anlass an Käthe und Adolf Maass (hier auf ihrem Hochzeitsfoto von 1911), die am 1942 nach #Theresienstadt deportiert, von dort 1944 weiter nach #Auschwitz verschleppt und dort ermordert wurden. Ein🧵. Image
Adolf Maass, geb. am 9.10.1875, war Kaufmann und Jurist. Nach seinem Abitur trat er als Lehrling in das Bremer Stammhaus der Spedition Kühne + Nagel ein. 1902 wurde er von Firmengründer August Kühne zum Aufbau einer neuen Niederlassung nach Hamburg entsandt.
Unter Maass’ Leitung wuchs die Hamburger Zweigstelle rasant. 1910 wurde er Teilhaber, 1928 wurde ihm ein Anteil von 45% am Unternehmen zugesprochen. Damit war er der größte Anteilseigner von Kühne + Nagel.
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Unique discovery at @AuschwitzMuseum‼️

Inside a child's shoe, personal information of its owner – a Czech Jewish girl, Věra Vohryzková – was found. We also identified a registration photo of her father & a suitcase that belonged to her uncle.…
Věra Vohryzková was born in January 1939. She was deported to Auschwitz from #Theresienstadt ghetto in December 1943 together with her mother, Štěpánka, and her two years older brother, Jiří. They all perished in the camp.
Věra's father, Max Vohryzek, an owner of a large knitting factory in Dačice, perished in the camp earlier, in July 1942. His camp photograph and a document confirming his death survived and are preserved in the Museum Archives.
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Today's announcement that @mbachelet of @UNHumanRights will visit the region of the Chinese genocide, Xinjiang (East Turkestan), in May, suggests that the UN has folded in the face of Chinese dictates for a #Theresienstadt-style pretend visit.…

The Chinese authorities has consistently denied and obfuscated all the facts about their genocide, staging and controlling every visit by outsiders. It's who they are -- and there is no chance they will halt this behavior for @MBachelet.…

Make note: Any witnesses or interviewees produced for Bachelet by the genocidaire authorities, will be strictly controlled by them, without exception, and under duress, as to what they will say or admit, on pain of death.

Here is how it works:…

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"Yo les daré, en Mi Casa
y dentro de Mis muros,
un monumento y un nombre [...]
les daré un nombre eterno
que no perecerá."
(Isaías 56:5)
#WeRemember #HolocaustMemorialDay #HolocaustRemembranceDay
Esta semana con mi clase recordamos a Lilly Flussová. Deja que te cuente 👇🧵👇 Image
Este domingo, mis alumnos del jeder y yo hablamos de la #shoá y de la importancia de la memoria. Les mostré una ficha con los datos de Lili y me gustaría compartir con ustedes un par de datos sobre ella y sobre su familia. +
Lili Flussová nació en Praga, el 23 de abril de 1929. Sus padres se llamaban Bedřich Fluss (quien fue primero camarero y luego empleado en una empresa de seguros) y Marie Flussová (Krásová), que era ama de casa, aunque había trabajado previamente en una oficina. ImageImage
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(1/6) On my daily walk I just 'stumbled' over 2 new Stolpersteine here in Gouda.
The first is Basia (Basje) Austeiczer-Udler. She was born on 15-09-1872 in Kosmin (Poland) and was married to Max Austeiczer, born 22-07-1870 in Starokonstantinov (now Ukraine) who died in 1932.
(2/6) They had 2 daughters. Berta, born 25-07-1898 and Schrifa, born 06-07-1896. Both were born in Starokonstantinov.
In 1910 the family came to Rotterdam and lived there on several places. Schrifa, died 23-05-1935.
In 1943 Basje and Berta lived in Gouda.
(3/6) Berta was a lawyer and attorney.
Basje probably was in #Westerbork from 25-03-1943. Berta survived the war and maybe she tried to help her mother via her job. On Basjes Jewish Council Card(s) it says that the vice president of the Rotterdam court tried to get her on the...
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3 February 1938 | A Czech Jewish girl, Jana Hellerová, was born in Prague.

She was deported to #Auschwitz from #Theresienstadt ghetto on 16 October 1944. After selection she was murdered in a gas chamber.
Few months before her death in #Auschwitz, while being in Theresienstadt ghetto, Jana Hellerová made this drawing.
Jana Hellerová was deported to Auschwitz together with her parents: Vilém and Eva. None of them survived.
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4 January 1897 | Czech Jewish woman Anna Freundová was born.

She was Deported to #Auschwitz from #Theresienstadt ghetto on 12 October 1944. She did not survive. Image
Anna's husband Karel Freund (b. 1892) was deported to #Auschwitz 11 days before his wife - on 1 October 1944. He also did not survive. Image
The history of deportations of Jews from #Theresienstadt Ghetto to #Auschwitz II-Birkenau & the family camp created in the camp by the SS is told in our @googlearts exhibition:…
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Vor rd. zwei Wochen haben Manuel Mackasare & ich in e. Kölner Antiquariat gut 750 Euro für e. Band m. 44 juristischen Seminararbeiten d. Jahre 1919-1921 ausgegeben, der lange z. Verkauf stand. Thread z. #Antisemitismus, #Holocaust & Germanistik @Germanistik_RUB @ruhrunibochum /1
Die Seminararbeiten entstammen d. Jura-Studium v. Hans #Wollstein, das er @UniBonn & @uniGoettingen absolvierte. Aufmerksam geworden sind wir auf Wollstein 2018 durch Zufall. Für ein Projekt zum germanistischen Denken & seiner Prägung in der #Schule hatte Manuel Mackasare /2
Abituraufsätze aus dem Archiv eines #Gymnasiums in Langenberg gezogen. Wir wählten nach dem Zufallsprinzip einen positiv benoteten Aufsatz des Jahrgangs #1913 aus. Es war der von Hans Wollstein, der uns noch völlig unbekannt war. Die Analyse des Aufsatzes mit Rückbezug auf /3
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#History #Judaisem #Germany

On December 12, 1944, Regina Jonas is murdered in #Auschwitz. To date, the #world's #first #woman who worked as a #rabbi. Regina Jonas was in her early 40s when she was #murdered in #Auschwitz. She belongs to the "#Masorti" movement,
the traditional but not #orthodox current in #Judaism. She was born in August 1902 as the daughter of an #Orthodox #Jewish peddlers in Berlin's barn district. Jonas is deported to #ghetto #Theresienstadt north of #Prague on November 1942.
During the #Shoah, Jonas in #Theresienstadt encourages her fellow prisoners. On December 12, 1944, she is murdered in the #exterminationcamp #Auschwitz. The knowledge of the fate of Regina Jonas is due to a Protestant theologian, the German Katharina von Kellenbach.
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