And here’s how to do it properly:…
-RF #AskPopSci…
But sanitizer is better than nothing in a pinch. Here’s a DIY recipe:…
-RF #AskPopSci
2. Soap destroys viruses like #COVID19, so the detergent should suffice. Check out the CDC site for more details:… -SC #AskPopSci
TL;DR you want to keep a few feet away from other people and sanitize any surfaces you might spit/sweat on, so a lot of this comes down to where and when you're hoping to go out. -RF #AskPopSci
But it is perfectly normal for a virus to mutate, and to do so rapidly:…
-RF #AskPopSci
Reference chart:
People with autism aren’t known to have higher risk, but viral infections can be a trigger for those with epilepsy so look to the American Epilepsy Society for more info… -SC #AskPopSci
If you have a committed partner and don't have symptoms, it's ok to carry on as usual. If one of you is sick, avoid close contact of all kinds. [1/2]
Our DIY sanitizer recipe:…
Reminder: If you have additional questions, please email us at or use the #AskPopSci hashtag, which we always monitor. We’ll do our best to address in future coverage.
Now go wash your hands!