We asked docs in 100+ primary care practices "what worries you most about COVID-19 today?"
Their answers should worry us
Are countries not allowing PPE to be shipped?
Are speculators holding out?
Citizen hoarding?
Manufacturers really unable to keep up with increased demand?
WTF. We can't get hand sanitizer. who's gonna help?
As this stretches out to months (and it will)- what will happen to deaths from chronic conditions?

It is great that Congress allowed tele-health billing for visits that are normally face-face, but @CMSGov has yet to clarify rules, allow billing
Does the patient have to waive HIPAA if doc using a consumer platform (like encrypted iPhone Facetime)? Does it have to be written consent? Can copay be waived?
And each state's different
Sorting out confusing, evolving guidance on testing
Advocating for better policies (please, dedicated testing sites)
Looking for PPE
Advising on tele-health
We may give some loans
Who cares for the rest?
"I worry that I can’t reassure and address all of the staffs needs and concerns all by myself and do everything else I am having to do.
Pretty overwhelmed at the moment and stretched super thin! Any support is more than welcome and appreciated"