Trump awalnya TIDAK menyangka aturan/birokrasi Federal TERLALU RUWET unt situasi DARURAT
TRUMP: “Defeating this UNSEEN ENEMY requires the help & commitment of every single American”
"I was called xenophobic by sleepy Joe Biden, I was called a racist by Democrats because I decided I didn't want to have people (from CHINA) that can hurt our country coming in"
Supir truk sekarang boleh nyetir MELEBIHI ketentuan jam kerja untuk mengangkut kebutuhan medis
"Coronavirus: HOS law for truck drivers suspended for first time ever"…
Website ini akan terus di-update dng informasi2 terbaru bagi masyarakat Amerika
- 4 large medical stations with 1,000 beds for NY
- 8 large medical stations with 2,000 beds for CA
- 3 large & 4 small medical stations with 1,000 beds for WA
Compassionate use = Penggunaan obat yg MASIH diuji & BELUM di-appoved tapi boleh digunakan untuk menyelamatkan nyawa pasien2 kritis
Pemerintah Trump & FDA melakukan deregulasi & memotong birokrasi ..
Obat unt NY mulai Selasa:
- 70,000 Hydroxychloroquine
- 10,000 Zithromax
- 750,000 Chloroquine
“If you’ve got any large quantities of material that this country needs right now, get them to market or get them to us, we’ll pay you a fair price...if you don’t do that, we’re going to come for you.”
Trump: “For those worried and afraid, please know as long as I am your President, you can feel confident that you have a leader who will always fight for you, and I will not stop until we win.”
Pejabat Gedung Putih menghilangkan hambatan aturan/birokrasi sehingga mrk cepat memproduksi…
"Trump rejects calls to directly use Defense Production Act"…